Chapter 16: Eavesdropping

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Chapter 16

My eyes were red and swollen and puffy.

I winced as I looked in the mirror in the hallway.

Holding my tea tightly in my hands, I continued walking to my room.

Jessica had just texted me to say that she was just leaving the airport.

As I was walking past Parker's room, I heard something that made me freeze.

"No, seriously Oliver, chill out." I heard Parker say.

I slowly peaked in through the crack in the door and saw Parker sitting on his bed with his phone next to him.

"I can't chill out! She broke up with me!" Oliver exclaimed, his voice sounding different through speakerphone.

"She's just got a lot on her plate that you don't understand." Parker sighed.

"Can you talk to her for me?" Oliver asked quietly.

"And say what?" Parker sighed.

"I don't know, try to convince her to actually talk to me about this! I have absolutely no idea where this is coming from!" Oliver exclaimed. "Is there someone else?" He suddenly asked.

"Excuse me?" Parker raised his eyebrows.

"Is there somebody else in Seattle?" Oliver asked quietly.

"Seattle?" Parker asked. "What are you on?"

"You guys are with your grandma right? The one who lives in Seattle." Oliver said carefully.

Parker's eyes widened slightly as he easily caught onto my lie.

"Yes, yea that's the grandmother. Seattle." Parker nodded slowly.

"So is there somebody else? I know that they used to live with your grandma." Oliver said quietly. "Just, just tell me if she's seeing someone else. I can handle it."

"There's nobody else." Parker said confidently. "I promise you that."

"Do you have any idea what's going on? Is there something going on with her that I should know about? Should I be worried?" Oliver asked softly.

"No, no don't be worried. She's just got a lot on her plate." Parker replied. "But she's handling it."

"Apparently not." Oliver sighed. "Was I the loose end that she had to cut in order to be able to handle everything."

"Look, OJ, there's a lot of stuff you don't understand, and-"

"Then why won't either of you explain it to me dammit! You've barely known each other two weeks yet you act like you have some big secret that nobody can know about!" Oliver exclaimed.

"Because it's family stuff! It's personal! It's shit you wouldn't understand. Hell, I showed up to this freak show of a family late and I don't even have a clue what's going on half the time!" Parker exclaimed, sitting up straight.

"Can you at least just give me the general idea? I mean I know her grandma is ridiculously strict and her dad's out of the country half the time but..." Oliver trailed off.

Parker frowned as Oliver stopped talking.

"Parker." Oliver whispered.

I felt a chill run down my spine.

"She said your grandma lives in Seattle and that her dad works with her grandma, but when her dad's on business, he's never in the country..." Oliver said quietly.

Parker's eyes widened slightly as a nervous expression crossed his face.

"I uh..." Parker trailed off.

"She's lying to me." Oliver said quietly.

"I wouldn't say that, it's just that-"

"Where the hell even are the two of you?" Oliver asked in disgust. "And why is everything so complicated and secret?"

"Because it's a much bigger thing than your girlfriend of not even a month." Parker said harshly. "You will get over this. Grow some balls, take the break up like a man, be happy you finally got it in, and go find somebody else. Trust me, there is no way in hell you and Scarlett would last."

"You know what, the two of you can go off into whatever dysfunctional family you have, I don't give a damn anymore. Clearly someone you've known for two weeks is more important than your best friend." Oliver snapped.

"This is my family, Oliver. I have responsibilities, and-"

"No, save the lies. I got them enough from Scarlett." Oliver said harshly.

The line went dead and Parker laid back against the bed with a groan.

"I know you're listening." He suddenly said.

My eyes widened as I quickly turned around and walked across the hall to my room.

Jessica was standing in the middle of my room, a confused expression on her face.

"What's the emergency? The Queen is fine? What's going on?" Jessica said seriously.

"I got really drunk with Oliver last night and my dad found me in his bed this morning and Parker and I are both basically grounded because we got drunk last night and then Oliver and I broke up today and he got into a fight with Parker and he knows I've been lying to him about something the whole time but he doesn't know what and everything is just falling apart and I'm going to be an awful queen I can't even keep my own life in order." I said in one breath, my face scrunching up as I tried not to cry.

"Holy shit." Jessica whispered, sitting down on my couch.

I wiped my cheeks, slowly sitting down next to her.

"Shit happens, Scarlett. And hey, every member of Royalty has their baggage." Jessica offered a laugh as she pulled me into a hug.

I just sighed, leaning against her.

"How the hell am I going to be able to run a country?" I whispered, shaking my head.

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