Chapter 10: Boyfriend Girlfriend

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Chapter 10

"I can't believe we did it." I laughed as I sat back down in my seat in English.

"And it was a damn good project too." Oliver nodded. "Oh shit she's picking it up." He whispered as our teacher inspected the scrapbook we'd managed to finish at ten in the evening last night.

Oliver gave me a high five and I laughed, shaking my head.

"So. It's Friday. Are you coming to the game tonight?" Oliver asked happily, resting his arm over the back of my chair.

"I wish... I have to go out of town with my dad, I'm sorry." I sighed, my eyes meeting his. "It's my birthday tomorrow and my grandma's doing this thing for it."

"It's your birthday?" Oliver asked in shock. "Are you serious?"

I slowly nodded. "Yea I'm going to be eighteen." I nodded. "It's a big deal in my family."

Obviously turning eighteen was a big deal in anyone's family, but for mine, it meant that once I have to be queen, I don't need a regent to run in my place. It was absolutely terrifying.

"Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday!" Oliver asked in shock.

I shrugged. "I didn't think it was that big of a deal." I laughed.

"I'm taking you out tonight before my game. What time are you and your dad leaving?" Oliver asked with a frown.

"Uh, I think we have to leave our house by five." I frowned.

Oliver just looked at me. "Damn. We'll have to do something when you get back, then." Oliver sighed.

"Sounds great." I smiled, my eyes meeting his again.

"So you said your grandma is throwing you a party?" Oliver asked curiously.

"Yea, yea it's a family tradition. She always makes a big deal about birthdays and insists on doing something big." I shrugged.

"Are you close with your grandma?" Oliver asked softly.

"Not really. I mean we used to live with her, ages ago. But once my mom died and my dad and I moved here, it became more of a formal thing to spend time with her rather than when I was a kid." I shrugged. "We're not really that close anymore."

"That's unfortunate." Oliver frowned.

"Not really, I mean it's expected. We're as close as we need to be." I replied. "So what are you doing this weekend?"

"Well my best friend is going to be out of town so I can't hang out with him... My dad is taking my brother camping so I can't do anything with them... And my girlfriend is going to be out of town too, so I can't spend time with you." Oliver sighed, his eyes meeting mine.

My eyes widened.

"Girlfriend?" I whispered.

Oliver gasped. "Crap did I say that out loud?" He whispered.

I slowly nodded.

"Right then, well uh, I mean we've been out on like four dates and you're my homecoming date, so I guess uh, um... I mean I totally get it if you don't like labels but like..."

I laughed, a grin spreading across my face. "You're so awkward oh my gosh." I laughed. "Yes it would be wonderful to be called your girlfriend."

Oliver's face lit up as he leaned forwards.

My eyes widened, quickly backing away.

"We're in class." I hissed, my cheeks turning pink.

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