Chapter 7: Jessica's First Day at Public School

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Chapter 7

"Public school is disgusting." Jessica whispered to me within the first ten seconds of being inside the school. "Holy crap what are people wearing?!"

"They're saying the same thing about you right now." I laughed, looking at my friend's lovely outfit.

She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, white wedges, and a light pink tank top.

"Excuse you, this is stylish." Jessica rolled her eyes. "Which is more than can be said for everyone here. Gosh Scar, you're a princess. You shouldn't be caught dead here." Jessica gave judgmental looks to almost everyone that we passed.

"Well aren't you just pleasant today." I laughed, giving her a weird look.

Jessica sighed. "Oh you know I love you, but I just couldn't stand going here."

"You get used to it." I shrugged as we reached my locker.

"Ooh look it's the hot football player that was in your room yesterday." Jessica whispered, giving me an excited grin. "Are you gonna say hi?"

"Uh no? I'll see him in English." I shrugged, unlocking my locker.

"You should say hi!" Jessica whispered. "Make him know that you like him!"

"Jessica, you are shadowing me today, which means do not instigate anything that I wouldn't do." I sighed, shaking my head. "People don't talk to me, so we won't be talking to anybody else."

"Fine." Jessica mumbled, crossing her arms. "This place sucks."

"Gee, thanks." I laughed. "I wouldn't come to your school and say rude things." I gave her a look.

"Because my school is in Hawaii and there are hot guys every where you turn." Jessica rolled her eyes. "Honey compared to Hawaii this is a dump."


"Hey." Oliver said happily as he sat down in his seat in English. "Hello again." He added to Jessica.

"Hi." Jessica said dismissively, her attention focused on her phone.

"Hey OJ." The cheerleader behind him smiled, leaning forwards. "Are you gonna be at the party after the game on Friday?" She asked, clearly trying to flirt.

"Oh my Gosh it's like a movie." Jessica whispered to me. "This is like public high school in movies!" She hissed, her eyes wide. "Where's my hot jock that's gonna come in and sweep my off of my feet?!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Uh no, no I don't think I'm gonna be at the party this Friday." Oliver shook his head. "I've got plans."

"Oh that's unfortunate... I was thinking we could hang out or something." Lauren sighed. "But maybe another time."

"Uh maybe." Oliver shrugged, turning back to face me. "So how do you two know each other?" He asked us.

Jessica and I exchanged looks.

We hadn't been asked that yet today, which meant that we hadn't come up with a story yet.

"Uh..." Jessica trailed off. "You know..."

"School..." I mumbled.

"And life..."

"Life?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Uh sure?" Jessica asked nervously, her eyes wide.

"Our dads work together." I said to Oliver.

"Sort of." Jessica nodded.

"Yea, sort of." I agreed. "In a way, they work with the same people, and by default know each other."

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