Chapter 14: An Actual High School Party

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Chapter 14

"It's homecoming tonight, are you freaking out?" Jessica's voice came through my phone.

"Nope." I sighed. "I have a feeling tonight will go off without any bad things happening."

"You're an expert at pulling off formal events without any issues." Jessica nodded. "But call me afterwards, will you?"

"Well duh." I laughed, taking a deep breath as I glanced out of the window. "Okay Oliver is here to pick me up, I'll talk to you later."

"Have fun! Love you!" Jessica grinned before I hung up the phone.

I took a deep breath, walking to the front door as Oliver knocked on it.

"Hey." I grinned, opening up the door.

Oliver's eyes widened.

"Wow you look beautiful." He whispered, taking in my dress.

It was a light purple color, very simple, with tall black pumps. The dress was tight until the waist where it hung loose to just above the knee.

After years of wearing elaborate ballgowns, it was nice to pick my own dress for once.

"Thanks." I blushed, my eyes meeting his. "You look great."

"Thanks." Oliver laughed, taking my hand as we walked towards his car. "So your dad's out of town right?"

"Yea, he spends most weekends away and this was no exception. He didn't really want me going tonight anyways." I shrugged as Oliver opened the door of his car for me.

"Why not?" Oliver asked with a frown as he got into the driver's side.

I shrugged. "Some weird dad thing." I laughed

That was false.

He didn't want me going out when he wasn't home. He didn't even want me in America this weekend.

As the days ticked by and my grandmother got worse, he was keeping me on a much tighter leash.

"Well I'm glad you're here." Oliver said happily, reaching over for my hand.

"Me too." I nodded, giving his hand a squeeze.

We were silent for the drive to the person's house that we were taking pictures with a ton of his friends and their parents.

Mr. and Mrs. James met us there, and were fussing over how Oliver and I looked together.

"I know you don't like having people looking at you, but just smile, it will all be over soon." Oliver whispered to me, his hand sliding around my waist.

Little did he know, when I was all dressed up, I loved attention.

"Oh, Scarlett, you just look wonderful." Aunt Clara gushed, walking up to me. "Just like your mother..."

"Oh Gosh no you're gonna make me get all emotional." I laughed, giving her a smile as I leaned against Oliver.

"Sorry." Aunt Clara sighed.

"Hey guys." Parker grinned, walking up as his mom walked away. "OJ there was someone asking for you in the kitchen." Parker said, pointing over his shoulder.

My boyfriend frowned before turning to walk away.

"So. It's been two weeks since we discovered we're related." Parker said softly. "And why doesn't OJ know that you're going to be a Queen?"

"Just because you're my family doesn't mean I'm going to treat you like my brother or something." I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.

"Well no, it doesn't, but as he's my best friend... I don't want to see you hurting him." Parker gave me a look.

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