Chapter 4: Last Minute Plans

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Chapter 4

"I think we've done enough work for today." I sighed, leaning back against the wall.

I was sitting on the floor of Oliver's room, my laptop on my lap, as we tried to come to an agreement on what we were doing for symbolism. It was Thursday, yet we still hadn't come up with an idea for the project.

Oliver nodded. "Dinner's probably ready now soon." He sighed, shutting his laptop. "You're staying again?"

"Sure." I smiled. "My dad's still out of town."

"How long is he gone for?" Oliver frowned, turning to look at me.

"Uh, I'm not sure actually..." I shrugged, a frown crossing my face. "I haven't really talked to him since Tuesday."

Oliver raised his eyebrows at me. "You haven't talked to your own dad in two days?"

"Oh I mean that's totally normal when he's out of town. He's got more important things on his mind." I laughed, knowing that we'd only get more distant as things got more intense in the castle.

But it was kinda odd that I didn't even know what I was doing this weekend... Was I going to Castello?

And if I was, was it for business? Would I have to see Jessica?

If I wasn't expected to be there for business, could I still go to see Jessica and work things over? Or maybe she wasn't even coming home for the weekend, and I'd have to go to Hawaii... It's only like a five hour flight, but I'd much rather meet her halfway in Castello.

"So we could work on the project tomorrow after school again? It will be right after school, so we won't have to wait until my practice is over, but we'll have to be done earlier because I've got a football game." Oliver suggested, stretching out his arms above his head.

"I mean it wouldn't hurt to take a day off of the project, we can each think about it over the weekend and then like Monday or something we can put our ideas together." I suggested, knowing that it was best just to not make plans if I didn't even know what country I was going to be in.

"Honey! Dinner's ready!" Mrs. James called up the stairs to Oliver.

Oliver and I both stood up, heading downstairs.

The house smelled like chicken, it was wonderful.

"Oh hey Scarlett, I didn't know you were here." Mr. James said happily as I sat down at the table.

"We still haven't gotten anywhere with our project." I laughed as Oliver sat down next to me.

"Scarlett! Can you tell me another Princess story?" Audrey asked excitedly, sitting down on her knees in the chair across from mine.

"I already told you one today." I laughed. "How about this, I'll tell you two next time I'm studying with your brother."

Audrey grinned, nodding her head eagerly.

I'd barely started eating when my phone started ringing.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." I gasped, reaching into my pocket to silence it.

"Go ahead and answer it." Mrs. James smiled.

I politely smiled, giving her an apologetic look as I pulled out my phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Where are you? Why aren't you at home?" My dad asked quickly.

"What? I'm studying with-"

"Text me the address, we're late for our flight." My dad told me.

"You're in California? Since when?" I frowned.

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