Chapter 17: Um... Hey?

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Chapter 17

"I'm so excited, holy shit." I whispered to Parker, smoothing out the front of my dress.

"How are you not nervous? I'm about to puke." Parker whispered back, fixing his tie as he nervously looked around the room. "This is William and Kate."

"And George and Charlotte!" I said excitedly.

"Hush." My dad said next to me, his gaze facing straight ahead.

It was Thursday, five days since everything had gone down over the weekend, but Parker and I were still getting the cold shoulder from our parents.

I grinned at Parker before everybody turned their attention to the grand doors as they opened to the formal sitting room.

I took a deep breath as I heard the cameras snapping pictures.

This was the British Royal Family.

These would be headline pictures.

I just hoped I wouldn't be noticeable.

I could just feel the anxiety and nerves coming out of Parker next to me as we waited for William and Kate to come down the line of waiting people.

"Princess Scarlett, lovely to meet you." Kate said to me as I politely shook her hand with a little curtsey.

"And you, duchess." I grinned.

Parker looked like he was literally going to pee his pants as Prince William shook his hand.

"Adeline, I must say, you have a beautiful home." Kate was saying to our grandmother.

"We wanted to find somewhere more remote to spend a little vacation, and this is such a pleasant place." William agreed, his hand politely resting on Kate's lower back as they spoke with my grandmother.

"Where are the kids?" I whispered to my dad.

"They're napping right now." Kate spoke up, hearing my question. "It was a long flight and they didn't sleep much during the layover. They should be up soon though."

I nodded politely, embarrassed that she'd heard my uncalled for question.

"You are like a different person." Parker whispered to me.

"Shush." I gave him a look.

Within the next hour, the room had become slightly more relaxed, and the only photographer left was our grandmother's official photographer for formal events.

We were all seated around the room while we had our tea.

A nanny came into the room with Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

I felt my face break into a smile at the little royal adorableness.

"Would you like to hold her?" Kate asked me as she held the baby in her arms.

"Could I?" I asked happily.

"Of course." Kate nodded, leaning forwards to hand Princess Charlotte to me.

"Hi." I said softly, looking down at the baby. "She is so adorable." I said to Kate.

"Thank you." Kate smiled.

George climbed up on the couch in between Parker and I, wanting to be close to his sister.

"Oh, Robert, please get a picture of this." The queen said suddenly, gesturing to the couch. "Aren't they just adorable?" She smiled, looking at us fondly.

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