Part 2

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The unrealistic buzz kept fuzzing his mind until it almost drove him crazy. The drugs that they gave really started to take effect and he never get used to it. Although he hated on having the god damn pills, but that kept him moving on solid ground in 1 piece. He knew he started to lose control on his own body, he didn't know how long the nanobots that were injected inside of him going to last. As far as he concerned, what would happen when the nanobots no longer manage to keep him walking on two feet, or worse, without any feet? He doesn't wanna think about it for now until that happens, and he would just try to figure it out along the way.

The metal claws of his armored gloves slightly scratched the white mask on his face, trying to contain the throbbing feeling that he felt in his head as he staggered his way through the dark alley.

"Ugh...." he groaned as he plopped himself down on the wet road, leaning himself against the concrete walls of a narrow path. The pain didn't subside a bit, and he started to get annoyed by it. Maybe he would've just taken some medicine in her house before he left, but maybe that wouldn't be a good idea since he never know the effects if he ate another weird pill while having a major headache.

The amplified senses that he got from the soldier programme never failed him, as his ears caught the faint sounds of footsteps slowly became louder as they were walking towards him. Despite the headache, his free hand slowly crept under his cloak and rested cautiously on his shotgun strapped on his belt, with his attention completely alerted by the intruder of his space. When the sound suddenly stopped in front of him, he pulled his weapon and went straight to the head of his threat, looming above him behind the shadows.

"Keep that gun to yourself, Reaper." The familiar voice of his accomplice let himself relaxed his shoulder and he slowly lowered the gun, with his alertness went down to a level. His hand was still covering his mask, trying to relieve his pain uselessly.

"What do you want, Amélie?" She took a step forward, looking down at him with his tone a bit twisted with a hint of frustration.

"I do tell you not to call me that." She spoke with her thick accent, not pleased with that old name which only gave her unpleasant memories.

"Don't expect me to call you that long nickname every fucking time I see you, or would you rather be called 'Widow' as your new pet name?" He snickered.

She rolled her eyes at the stupid statement. The painful sounds that he let out caught her attention and she figured that he still wasn't used to the side effects of the drugs. It wasn't the first time that she saw him in this sorry state; she always see him like this every time he took the drugs since Day One when he joined alliance with the Talon.

"Take this." She pulled out a weird looking pill out of nowhere. (Probably there's a pocket on her suit?) He stared at the object with confusion plastered visibly on his look in that mask.

He took the pill and lifted his mask high enough above his mouth which the features beneath his nose was clearly seen. The pill was devoured effortlessly when he put it between his lips and savoured the weird taste. He turned to look at Widowmaker, knew that he was gonna ask what pill that she gave.

"It's hard candy." She answered blankly.

He shrugged. Eventually, the candy worked like a miracle since he started to feel the pain slowly fading away. Never knew that a little dessert would actually soothe a bloody headache. While he was taking his time, she looked up far at a particular home 10 meters away right from her spot and sighed hard.

"Visiting an old friend, I see?" Reaper didn't turn to look at her way. The way his body tensed when the word 'old friend' came through his ear canals had shown the signs that she had strike the right nerve. He clenched his fist hard trying to suppress the anger that had slowly crept up inside his body, rekindling the dying fire into bursting flames that can't be contained.

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