I Got "Sour" News...

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This is what I fear the most folks....


I'm a little lost for the sequel m8s.

Guess what m8s.....

This first book has got a bit off the 'lore' road now.

I'm not discontinuing the sequel, m8. Don't be spooked, jeez.

Yeah, after the reveal of Talon's own geneticist slash healer, Moira; everything that we know and thought of has changed,

She created Reaper. Not Mercy.

Now I know some of you might think,

This is no big deal, you can still make the sequel or That doesn't affect the story at all!

Yeah, yeah I know it won't affect much but... based on Part 15, I made it a chapter that people believed to happen before Moira was introduced. Since she was the only person that has the power of ultimate healing and revving during the early of the game. Looks like it seems invalid at this point. And I admit I'm making this a big deal even though it's not.

I'm trying my best here to make a story that follows the lore of the game, but now I'm feeling a bit discouraged at this moment. Now does this affect the sequel?

Yes, but not that much.

Why don't you just changed a bit in the story's chapters, Red?

Well basically, I would do that, but changing the whole chapter? That just kills the story m8.

So I am here, to ask a big favor of you people that has come this far.

I need help.

Yes, if you have any ideas that can cover up and/or connect the Part 15 with my upcoming sequel, please do PM me anytime. But let's not hope for me to reply immediately. I will reply to all of you, don't worry. The idea I'm looking for is, what might have actually happened after Mercy had done her first 'revive' on Gabriel after she was taken by Reinhardt. How did Gabriel ended up with Talon after the explosion? Why was Talon bringing him in, an Overwatch commander? I need your creative minds to help me solve this mysterious lore.

But is that really the lore?

Idk, but it was one of the conspiracy theories that might've happened to Gabriel. Some say that Mercy wasn't even involved with Gabriel's situation, only her research is what been taken and been tampered with by Moira (if that really happens, then my story is already off the 'lore' road *cries*). What's surely is, that Moira was the one that made Gabriel into what he is, Reaper.

But I cannot be completely assure you that I will take ALL of you wonderful people's ideas at one time. I just hope that we can compromise all the given ideas to make one awesome plot. (of course, depend on the logic and connectivity of the ideas, some of the ideas might be sadly rejected; sorry m8s)

Thank you for your time reading this, I hope all of you can help this poor wandering soul to finish what it already started. Hope to hear from you guys soon. See ya in the future stories m8s.

This is the forums that I found in the internet, it's not much but let me know what you think about this m8s :



Of course, links never worked in this website, but feel free to check it out.

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