Part 13

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For those who overlooked the previous chapter of the story [Part 12] (which I posted the same time with the A/N) go check it first. I would post two parts if I make a note for you to give a heads up and a chapter to read. I repeat :


I'm not mad brothers and sisters, just making sure you get what I'm saying. (English ain't my first language, m8.)

Angela waited there, still sitting the same way he left her in the room. Her stomach was still growling from hunger, but she didn't bother to its pleas. It was quite a while after the masked man left, and she stared at the closed metal door, not hoping for someone to come in and gave her a welcoming hug or warm chocolate chip cookies. She rested her head on her hugged knees, eyes all tired with black rings under them, removing the shine in her crystal blue irises. The bleeding had stopped, but the bruise started to swell more horribly than before, she would expect the wound would be infected in matter of days if it doesn't get treated ASAP. The stinging pain on the sole of her foot wasn't left ignored. She turned her injured foot slightly and looked at the dried blood. She could see some visible big ones penetrated through her skin and she just let out a heavy sigh. Her head rested on the wall, eyes just staring at the blank ceiling. When will she get out from this hellhole? How long can she survive from this torture? More importantly,

Will anyone would even save her?

A stray tear managed to escape from her eye, rolling down at the corner of it. She knew she couldn't hold this out any much longer. The Talons would do anything to let her spit out any information about the research, or even Overwatch itself. When it comes to that, she's willing to give her life for it; just to protect her friends and the people. She closed her eyes slowly, thinking about what's to come. Suddenly the sounds of metal once again went into her ears. The sound of boots walking to her way, but it wasn't as menacing as before. She slightly opened one of her eyes, taking a peek at her new visitor. She couldn't see it very well, but she guessed it was one of those normal guards. She saw he was holding something in his hand. It's shiny and flat.

A tray perhaps?

The guard came closer to an extent, until he reached at a certain distance. He plopped the metal item down on the floor, leaving a loud clanging sound. She opened her eyes completely and looked what's given to her.

It was bread.

A dry bread.

Her stomach growled without warning, and she could feel her mouth was getting watery on the food that seemed so luxurious to her liking. The guard stared at her, watching every movement and body language that she gave out.

"You should be grateful he let us giving you food. Others before you weren't very lucky like you are." he spatted. Then he left the room, with her and the bread.

She only stared at the bread. Is it safe to eat? They didn't put any drugs in it,


  First she was begging for food, now it's in front of her, and she was having second thoughts.  

As hard as she wanted to eat it, but something inside her gut told her to not take the bait. She couldn't trust them that easily. They would do anything, and she had to be smart and cautious. The bread was left in the tray, waiting to be eaten, but she had to refuse. She turned away from the temptation, not looking at the bread presented before her. People would say she was being indecisive, but what else would she do? She can't just gobble everything that the enemy has to offer. Her stomach was against her, but she only suppressed it harder, not letting the gluttony to take over. She'll make it out okay.

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