Part 14

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It was silent in the room; not a single sound, no laughter, no cries, nothing. She sat at the same spot, leaving her tired head leaned on the concrete wall with her eyes wandered around the arid room. She wasn't bored, because her mind was filled with deep thoughts. Of course, the thought of escaping was still in her mind, but she already lost hope on making it happen. She was too tired for everything, all she just needed was some good night sleep. There was nothing good for her to dream, ever since she dreamt of the day before the explosion occured; so she would expect what's to come in her next sleep. Why she would think like that?

Somehow all the dreams that she'd never expect to dream, came to her naturally, all in perfect order. The day she talked to him in her office, to the night where they danced under the moonlight. Then came the time she found him throwing a tantrum in the meeting room. Where else would the event happen if it wasn't the explosion, she thought. Was it a sign? She never know. Maybe it was just dumb sheer luck or some psychological reasons that made her dream such things.

She couldn't deny, she never miss the thought about her precious friend, Gabriel. Every night, every minute, she always thought about him. She wanted to know what happened to him so badly. Deep inside her told that he was still alive, no matter how many of her friends would tell her to move on and accept his fate. She tried her best to make her calculations correct during the incident, she wanted to be convinced that he was still alive.

But that didn't mean she never thought of Jack, he deserved to be remembered because he is her friend too, but the lack of clues that he was still alive made her think twice. It was true that his body was also never found, but she didn't know where to start her hypothesis of his survival from the explosion. She wasn't there to witness anything about him; but she also hoped that he was alive like his old friend.

The bruise had become evident on her cheek, but she didn't take notice of it. What else would she do? There's nothing she could do if there was nothing for her to treat the wound, despite she's the doctor. She didn't know how long she was stuck in the room, there's no clock. Although, she was surprised that the Reaper guy didn't come and pester her about the research as frequently she thought he would. What was he doing right now actually? Why didn't he interrogate her like he was told? Why was she being so nosy about this guy?

So many questions, so little answers.

The sound of the door no longer surprise her, she'd expect a visit sooner or later. The figure walked towards her and stopped in front of her, and her eyes turned to look at the familiar masked man, crossing his arms unamused.

"Ready to talk, doc?" He asked. She turned away with a blank expression. She wasn't afraid of the man anymore.

"Do as you wish. I'm not talking." She replied blankly. She was expecting him to get triggered or let out a bad tantrum, but nothing came out from him. The man only sighed at her, clueless on what to do next.

"You really don't want to talk about it, huh." She didn't say anything, heck, not even looking at him. He only stood there looking at her; but she didn't know what will he do next.

"As expected from the stubborn doctor of Overwatch. Only think of others without looking for herself." He spoke as-a-matter-of-factly. The way he implied to her, caught an interest inside her. She turned to look at her interrogator, eyebrows furrowed as she stared through his mask's eyeholes.

"Why do you sound like you know me? The time at the clinic, you even knew where the files were. Who are you?" She asked. This time, she wanted to turn the tables. Even if it would risk her life, but she didn't want to let her questions unanswered.  He only let out a deep chuckle, finally found her amusing.

"You already know who's the one who should be asking the questions, so don't expect me to answer."

"Then I won't tell you anything about the research if you don't answer me, then." She provoked, but it never falter him in any way.

"Oh, would you?" The sound of his voice changed slightly, as if he was enjoying himself to tease her, but she wasn't laughing. He slowly walked towards her, closing the gap between them.

"I would doubt that. You would never do such if it involves with the people that you cared about." As much as she hated it, he was right. Even if she threatened him such way, he knew she wouldn't even talk about the research or Overwatch, because that would put her friends in danger. She hated when she met someone that knew too much about her. He looked down at her sitting figure, then crouched down to her eye level and letting his face a few inches away from hers.

"What are you gonna do about it, doc?" He asked. She didn't say anything, never dared to say anything to him. He only huffed.

"That's what I thought. You never think far before you do anything. Keep in mind that can cost you your life." The way he spoke was like he knew her from head-to-toe, and that pisses her off.

"What do you know about me anyways?" She answered in an angry manner. He realised he had pulled the right strings, and he decided to play it further.

"More than you know yourself, doc." He replied.

"You don't know what I've been through."

"Care to tell what have you been through all these years? Besides than wasting your time in the clinic like nothing happened?" He provoked. She didn't say anything, because she thought that he didn't know what happened before she even opened her clinic. But Reaper read her face like an open book, and he let out an another deep chuckle that caught her attention.

"If you're thinking about the explosion, then you just look down on me, doc." That caught her eyes widened. How did he..?

He got up and started to walk around the spacious room, eyes still locking onto her face.

"Looks like I hit the right nail." He responded.

"How much do you know about the explosion?!" He realised her voice sounded desperate, as if it was almost at breaking point.

"As much as I can remember." He told. That didn't make sense to her at all.

"Tell me the truth!" She raised her voice. This time she didn't have space of playing around. But nothing in this matter was ever playing around. It was already serious in the first place.

"What did I told you about asking questions? I'm the only one who can ask the questions here, not you." He retorted, but she didn't care what he said. Fuck that for all that she care.

"But it was never the research you want to ask for, right?" She responded. That snapped him back to his common sense. True, he never cared about the research at all. All he wanted from her was the answer on what she did to him. But he can't let her know that. Not now.

He was silent, she realised that. So she guessed she got the role turned over? But his movements caught her attention once more when he started to move around the room once again.

"What if it never was? I figured you won't even spill a single word about the research, or the goddamn Overwatch for all that I care. Might as well ask you some other questions that worth my while." He answered. What else did he wanted to know other than the two things that she expected for him to ask? It was his own interest, that's for sure.

"Whatever it is, I'm not going to say anything."

"Even if it was my right to know?" Once again, his question caught her off-guard. What else did he knew about her that she don't?

Reaper only stared at her dumbfounded face, looks like he hit the jackpot. She's almost broken, he thought. He decided to stop for a while, his progress already made him contented for a while. He saw her lips were cracked and parched, he would bring water for her next time they meet, but he didn't promise when. He turned his heel towards the door, leaving the doctor in her own thoughts.

"I'll see you when you're clear from your own thoughts." He spoke, but he didn't expect an answer. He left her with the sound of a click on the door.

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