Part 15

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It was foggy, but not because of the fog; but dust. She coughed hard from the fallen rubble as she looked around. Everything was in ruins, the headquarters was nothing but a pile of debris. She was all scratched up at few places on her body, but that didn't occupy her mind. The pain wasn't felt with the help of her Valkyrie suit she was wearing. She was looking for some innocents. Surely there must be some survivors through the catastrophic scene before her. She flew through a few rubble that she managed to avoid using her suit, looking through small crevices that might have a trapped innocent under the huge rubble. She looked around, her vision all blurred by the dust flying all over the place. She covered her mouth not to let her breathe in the uncouth air.

"Is anyone here?!" She called, but no response was heard.

No one was there, except her. But she had to make sure. She checked the place once again, making sure she was looking every possible place she could manage to look for. Luckily no one was there to be rescued. She felt the burden lifted off from her shoulders, everyone was safe, and no one was in distress. She needed to find a way out from the debris, or else she would be in peril. Everything was still crumbling, and she couldn't let luck play at this time.

She ran around the broken building, only to let herself tripped over a huge stone and fell on the floor. But she didn't know whether she was lucky or not when that happened.

A familiar figure, stuck in between a huge rubble that had already crushed most of his body. She went closer to inspect the body, and that was the time her eyes widened as she froze looking at the deceased body. Tears already threatened to fall from her crystal clear blue eyes.

Overwatch was now short on one great soldier.

She brushed off a few small rocks and the dust off his face and body, looking at the face of her friend. A precious friend that she'd never expect to lost. She let her hand caressed the dirty dark skin of his face, cold to the touch. He bled so much, and scars already slashed across his face from the impact. A few tears already fallen onto his dry face, she choked out a sob as she stared straight to his unexpectedly calm lifeless face.

"N-No! Gabriel-- get a hold on yourself! Wake up! I can't let you leave me like this... please...wake up..." She pleaded, but she never expected for an answer, as much as she wanted to. She quickly went to the huge rubble that crushed half of his body, pushed as hard as she can until it slipped through her grip, leaving a huge gash on her arm from the rubble.

She can't give up.

He must have hope.

With another push, the rubble miraculously managed to move away and his body was finally free from the crush. She looked at his body, it was badly damaged. Tears still streaming down from her eyes, but her face was stern as she was determined with her next move. She held his head and rested her forehead on his, closing her eyes with pray in her heart.

"I can't let this happen to you. Please hold on for me." She pleaded. Then she left his body to look for her lab. She knew it wasn't far from where she was, and she still had hope inside her. Looking through the wreckage, she found a few familiar equipment that belonged to her lab. She quickly flew over a few rubble and jumped over a few more until she reached her destination. A few times she would wince from her wound, but that didn't matter. All she could think was to save Gabriel.

It was a total mess, most of her equipment was already broken, but she didn't want to stop there. She searched high and low, in and out for something that could help her. As she searched every nook and cranny, she found some of research papers that she was working on.

The resurrection.

This could be it. This is the only chance that she could save him, she thought. Although it wasn't complete and she didn't even try for an error before, but it was worth a try. She didn't want to regret her whole life of not trying. She collected the scattered papers that she could still save, and the required equipment for her experiment, although some of them were a bit damaged from the explosion, but she's not going back. With all the things she needed, she put them in a bag that was nearby to her and quickly went to Gabriel.

As she reached him, she took out all the equipment and set them all up following the blueprints. The nanobots were planted into him through the huge gashes he had. She set her Caduceus staff on preparation. She was ready. She's going to do it. With the staff, she started to stream the energy it emitted to his body, and something happened.

A bright light blinded her so badly, that she had to squint her eyes and covered her view with her hands. Is it working? Was it a success? Just as she was about to see her result, a familiar deep voice came from her behind.

"Mercy! Are you alright?!" She turned around to see a certain man in shining armor, all worried to see her in the middle of the debris.

"Reinhardt! I'm fine! But Gabriel--" she didn't get to continue her words, the man already pulled her away from the light that already started to dissipate.

"No time to worry about the others! They'll be fine! You need to get out! You are bleeding!" He roared with his loud voice. Angela wanted to protest, trying to pry his strong hands from hers, but it was useless.

"No! Listen to me! Gabriel is--!"

"You listen to me young lady! The place is in shambles! I can't let you wander off when I know you are here! Let's go!" He pulled her away from Gabriel, she tried to reach out to him, but slowly, the fallen figure disappeared from her sights.

She remembered this very clearly.

All the scenes, replayed like a broken record inside her mind. She hated everything about it. She could've done something that time. But she can't because she was too weak.

Like she always do.

He opened the door, leading him a sleeping figure of the familiar doctor, all curled up on the cold floor, shivering. He brought a bottle of water for her, so that she could have a drink first thing in the morning. And no, he wasn't being concerned. He wanted the captive to be in good shape so that they can squeeze out the information that they wanted. Though looking at the wound on her cheek that he just gave, and her foot due to her failed attempt to escape, he had to think about that later. He walked closer to her figure, putting the bottled water close to her. He watched her pathetic posture, but somehow deep inside him twinged at where his heart was, but he didn't know why. She already fell asleep after he interrogate her, maybe she was too tired after all the asking.

She looked like she was having a nightmare, with the sweat all over her, and her face twisted into a frown and her brows knitted together. He could see tears flowed from her closed eyes. But why would he care?

As he was about to leave the doctor in her slumber, something caught into his hearing that made him stopped along with his unstable heartbeat.

"Gabriel..." the name came out like a soft whisper, he turned towards her and looked at her face. Was she dreaming about him? He stared at her sleeping figure, thinking about the things that made her dream about him. But it was clear she was dreaming the day the explosion happened.

"Sweet dreams, doc." He spoke, though he knew he was talking to himself. He turned away and walked towards the door, letting the darkness engulfed into the room.

Srry if this is long.

I was afraid that I might have plagiarise a story called "He's still good." by ratorgirl101. But a friend of mine, kiraarissu (THANK YOU for accidently publish this part a week ago while I was away from my phone.) told me that it's not and that I'm just inspired by some of her ideas and portrays it in my own way.

I would admit that I am inspired by her story, so I would thank her for that.

Though I might not fully understand how plagiarise mean. Maybe I misinterpret it the wrong way. I'm no genius, alright? (I'm just trying not to be a plagiarising asshole, mind you.)

Do comment if you have your own opinion. Everyone has their own opinions, right?


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