Part 30

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-3rd POV-

He pulled her hand as he guided her through the hallways. Nothing was alarming that time, so that got her a bit confused. Usually an alarm would be set off at this moment. As she walked pass the hallway with him, she noticed that the CCTVs along the path were shut down as they went through.

He went to a halt when they reached at a forked path, he leaned against the wall, and she followed suit. He leaned a bit closer to see a guard dawdling at one path, and another was walking towards his way, which could easily get himself caught since he was exposed at the other way. He took out his shotgun and waited for the right time. When the guard was near enough to spot him, he shot the man, which alarmed the other one behind him.

He turned back to face the other guard and shot him before he could do anything. This wasn't the first time she saw bloodshed, but she could never get used to the violence.

"Coast is clear." His hand never let go of hers, as they quickly went pass the gruesome incident and moved on.

The path was twisted and forked in many ways, she was surprised that he knew his way. Finally stopping at 3 pathways, he took a sharp turn to the right. How long is this Talon's HQ underground tunnel?

"Slow down Gabriel! You're hurt! Should we stop for a while?" Angela almost losing her breath, he was walking too fast.

"And let them catch us? Look, I'm fine. You don't need to waste time worrying about me; you have to be there on time." He argued. She didn't speak anymore, but she was curious. Where is he taking her?

"Almost there, then you'll get outta here." His words caught her eyes widened. She couldn't believe those words finally coming out from anyone, especially from a Talon agent himself; well not completely a Talon member but still. She's gonna escape. And she's gonna meet her friends again.

A smile crept up on her face, as they continued their way out. Both never realized that her grip on his hand were tightened, and he was giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"HEY!" Suddenly someone shouted from behind, and they turned to realize that there's a group of men in uniform with guns spotted them.

"Hurry!" He pulled her hand harder, and started running. She was caught off-guard, almost falling on the floor, but she quickly got her balance and ran along with him.

They took another sharp turn to lose the guards, but they were faster. Next thing she knew, there were gunshots. Angela screamed in surprise and Reaper only grunted in frustration. He pulled her closer and with a swift movement, he lifted her up bridal style. Black smoke was emitted from his body, and she could hear him trying to catch his breath.

Then everything went weird.

She felt her head spun for a moment, and the world was swirling around her. What is happening?

Then in a few seconds, everything went back to normal, except her headache. She blink a few times, she was in a room. The room was a bit messy, broken pots and a dismantled table, it looked like something happened here.

Suddenly her body fell and she rolled down off his grip. She looked at him with furrowed brows, but quickly softened as she saw him falling onto his knees, holding to his chest. He was breathing heavily, and she could see his clothes was soaked.

Soaked in blood.

"Gabriel, your wound! I told you to take it easy."

"Don't worry about me! We're gonna... have to get you they're waiting."

"Who? Who are they?" Angela went closer to him, and rested her hands on his back and arm. But as he was about to answer, suddenly the sounds of footsteps was heard faintly from afar.

"Go! Hide behind that table..." he pointed out at the dismantled table, it was still usable for her to hide behind it. She hesitated at first, because she couldn't leave him.

"Do as I say.... Please... Angela.." he coughed. She was a bit stunned. This was the first time she hear him plead; after a few years long due. He wasn't the kind to plead, but if he does, he really meant it. She looked through the holes of his mask, and nodded.

"But... what about you?"

"Don't worry about me. I'll handle those guys." Angela wasn't convinced, but he looked like he knew what he was doing. So, she quickly got up and ran straight to the table, and hid behind it.

He slowly got up, and walked his way to the center of the main room. The sounds of running footsteps finally stopped in front of the entrance, and a few clicks armed guns was heard. He was facing his back at the guards.

"Halt, rogue! Where's the captive?" One of them asked, but he didn't answer.

"Tell us, or we'll do it by force." The guard continued.

He didn't speak. Still bleeding, but he didn't think about it one bit. He was more concerned about the doctor.

He turned his head, but never looking at them.

"Over my dead body."

"Men! Aim!" The sounds of guns was clearly heard, but Angela couldn't bear to watch, even if she wanted to know what was happening.

"Fire!" Gunshots were heard, she closed her ears, shutting her eyes hard. The bullets were everywhere, and she crouched down just to feel security. But then suddenly it stopped. It was silence. She opened an eye, before she opened both of them and slowly lifted her head up just to see what was going on.

The men was scattered around, left nothing but empty husks, just like in her clinic. She saw him standing in the middle, taking a deep breath and cracked his neck. He looked a bit refreshed. She quickly stood up and went towards him.

"Are you okay?" She was about to see the blood stain on his clothes.

But it was gone.

As if it wasn't there.


He saw her confusion, then he let out a sigh.

"I'm not human. Isn't this enough proof?" He gestured at the dead men.

She looked around, then a thought came to mind.

"You mean... you... did all this?" Another sigh.

"C'mon, let's go." He threw the guns on the floor and took her hand in his, she was still dumbfounded. He pulled her as they started walking, but she was still looking back.

She suddenly remembered what Amélie told her about his ability. Maybe this was it. She really needed to make more investigations about Reaper's capabilities.

She went to look at the table she hid behind. There's not even a scratch was left there. Only the places around the table was heavily damaged by the bullets.

They left the main room, and on their way out. Reaper started to walk faster, they were getting close. He could see the stairways to the outside, so he slowly stopped his tracks and turned to look at her.

"There's the exit, the others will be waiting for you outside." He spoke breathlessly. She smiled at him, but her hand didn't let go of his.

"Thank you, Gabriel. But... why are willing to help me getting out?" She had to admit, she was curious. He managed to help her this far, no one would be willing to do that.

She saw that he was hesitant to answer, and looked away to the exit as they walked their way towards the staircase.

"It was pointless. I don't even know why I agreed to them in the first place when they told us that they would capture you for information." He answered.

She didn't stop smiling. He was actually concerned about her, cared for her safety and wellbeing like he always do, but didn't have the guts to tell the truth. She opened her mouth to say something, her voice was about to come out,

Not until a gunshot was heard.

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