We're Moving?

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  • Dedicated to Lizzie Holley

Disclaimer: I do not by any means Own the characters/ quotes affiliated with Glee, or anyother quotes I use If it is mine I will say so but if you see or hear a quote IT IS NOT MINE!!!!!!!

To all those Gleeks I know Sebastian is gay. But for this story hes not. So sorry if that bugs you.

     They say people can change. I say they just hide what they were. No one really changes. They may say that "Oh he'll change, he'll be ok," but he never changes. He fools you, makes you think he changed. He never really did. This is the story that proves. no one changes they just hide the real them. 

     I was just beginning my senior year. I was excited to get to see all my friends again. It had been a long summer of work. 

      "Harley? Can we talk to you for a minute?" My mother asked, as they walked in. I started to worry, they only come in together when something big happened. The last time they both came in they had told me my Grandpa had died. Lets just say, I was worried something bad had happened. 

     "Sure. Whats up?" I was trying to play it cool. Act like nothings wrong and maybe nothing will be. 

     "Um, we know we should have told you sooner. That way you could make more time with your friends, and all. But we couldn't find a good time to tell you."

     "What is it Daddy?"

     "We are moving."

    "Moving? What do you mean moving?"

     "I got transfered and so we have to move."

     "When? Where?" 

     "We have a plane to head out for our new house in 3 weeks."

     "You didn't say where to."

     "Lima, Ohio." Lima? Where on earth is that? Well Ohio obviously. I grabbed my little road atlas from off my desk and fip to Ohio. It was a little city in weastern Ohio. I could see why my parents were hesitant to tell me. It was pretty far from our hometown of San Francisco. 

     "Ok. Um, I guess we need to get some boxes." I smiled trying to lighten the room. That and to show my parents that I was ok with it.

    "your not mad having to leave your friends on your senior year?'' 

     "I mean sure i'm upset that I have leave all my friends, but this is my chance for a fresh start. No one knows me I could be a whole new me." I smiled. I liked the idea of getting to be a new me. 

     "Well I hope you don't change all of you. I really love my little Harley this way."

      "Thanks mom." I got up and gave her and my dad a hug. They left and I decided I would call Sammi and tell her the news. 

      I waited as the phone rang. Just then t he dial tone was gone and the voice of my best friend floated through the phone "Why didn't you tell me you were moving?" She asked. How did she know already? 

     "I just found out like litterally two minutes ago." I laughed. 

     'Oh. I am gonna miss you so much! We should do something HUGE before you go."

     ''How can it be huge if your my only friend? unless of course your planning something huge for just us two?" 

      " You and I are going to do a memories night! and then the night after will be the dance and we are going to go and party and then you'll have to leave the next day so we will hug and cry and make a big scene and then start laughing just to confuse  people then after we are going to go and make sure your all packed up and then we are going to spend the rest of the time before you leave watching movies!" She always had the weirdest plans. 

     "Ok.Sounds like a plan stan." 

     "oh by the way can you let me in. It's kind of cold out side."

      "Are you here?" I laughed. Of course she is. I looked out my window and I could see her standing there looking up at me. She waved. I waved back before hanging up and running down stairs. I opened the door and was immediately swallowed in a hug. 

       "Come on I also wanted to show you something. Hello Mom! Hello Dad!"

       "Hey sammi!" said my parents. It was totally normal for her to call them mom and dad. Maybe she will even after i'm gone.  

       "look at this. So I looked up the high school you would be going to and I found some stuff out."

      "What is it?"

    "Well. They have a great Glee club, so you can show off that beautiful voice. Then I looked up some of the students that go there. and I saw that alot of them are really hot. Just sayin. Then I saw this Blaine guy getting into an argument with this other guy. Saying something about not going back to the warblers. So apparently its a glee thing. Blaine left, they want him back yada yada yada. Then I looked up the guy he was arguing with and his name is Sebastian Smythe."I looked at his picture and I guess you could call it love at first sight. He was georgous. There was something about him that just sucked me in. "Earth to Harley. Earth to Harley." 

     "What sorry zoned out for a minute," I said as she handed me a tissue."Whats this for?" 

     "Your drool." 

      "Hahaha. Not funny." We looked at the pictures and hung out. For some reason I couldn't get that sebastian guy out of my head. What is it about him that I just couldn't shake?

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