Hailee's Back!

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  • Dedicated to Hailee Green

     They had a funeral for Dennessa the following week. It was depressing. It was like there was no color. Even the room was all black. They burried her next to her grandmother. 

        It's been two weeks since the funeral. I hate to say it but the school seems to have forgoten. Even Dennessa's followers got over it. They actually started to hang out with their old friends again. Everyone seemed happier that way. 

         Right now we are all in my kitchen. Sebastian and I making brownies as everyone else was on facebook or what ever. Just then my phone buzzed. I handed the wisk over to Sebastian and checked my phone. There was an unknown number calling me. I know people say that you shouldn't answer random calls and such but what can I say, I'm a rebel. 



        "Yes? Who is this?"

        "OMG! HARLEY! It's Hailee!" OH MY GERSHYMASTURD GAS! I haven't seen Hailee in years! She used to be my best friend when we lived in Utah. 

           "HAILEE! OH MY GOSH! I have missed you so much! How are you? Where are you? How did you get my number?" 

          "I am currently in Lima, Ohio just in case you didn't know. I am actually moving there. I got your number from Geana who got it from Maria. Did you know they are still friends?" 

           "I know. Maria and everyones actually here. And we are all living in Lima to." 

           "Oh my gosh we need to hang out!"

           "Why don't you come over?" 

          "I would love that!" I gave her my adress and went to help Sebastian with the batter. Everyone was so excited to see/meet Hailee. A few minutes later my door bell rang. I ran to get it and there stood Hailee! Lets just say there was squeals and all that good stuff. Finally we all got into the living room. We were sitting there when a blinding flash of light appeared. 

            We blinked a few times to try and see again. I was the first to see and lets just say I almoust peed my self. 


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