Lima Here I Come

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  • Dedicated to K-Lee Sever

Well those few weeks flew by. I hung out with Sammi 24/7. We just sat there and packed mostly but it was still fun. I'm really gonna miss her. I still haven't been able to stop thinking about sebastian. He was like the sticker on my mind covering up the rest of my thoughts. 

     We just landed down in Lima. We were walking over to the baggage claim for our last few bags. Or just my last few bags. I stood there patiently waiting when someone bumped into me. I looked to see who it was. 

       "I am so so so sorry. I guess I was just lost in my own thoughts. I am really sorry." The guy just kept going on. He held his hand out for me to grab. He helped me up and made sure I was okay. "I am really sorry."

     "It's fine. If you hadn't have knocked me down I would have tripped or some how ended up there anyway." He laughed. 

      "So whats your name?" I looked at him. Oh no. It can't be. But it was. Sebastian. 

     "Harley Clover," I smiled. He was really nice. 

     "Sebastian Smythe," He held out his hand so I could shake it."Not to sound weird but I think you last name gave me some luck.''

     "Why do you say that?'' I had never had someone say that. They all just made fun of it saying it was stupid.

     "Because I met you." He smiled at me. Not only was he cute, but he was nice, and cheesy. 

     "Your so cheesy." 

     "Well everyone loves cheese don't they?" He smiled at me. I couldn't help but laugh."You have the cutest laugh. So what are you doing here?"

      "We just moved here. You?" 

       "Came to get my aunt. She's staying for a while. So what school are you going to?"

       "William McKinlley. What school do you go to?"

      "I go to the Dalton Academy. Whens your first day there?" 

     "Monday. So not excited." 

     "Why not?" 

      "Who gets excited for school? I think I am only excited about getting a fresh start. No one knows me. I can be who ever and what ever I want."

     "Well when you go on monday. I want you to find Blaine Anderson and tell him I said Hi." 

     "Ok. I sure will." Just then my bags showed up. "Well better get going see ya!"

      I was walking away when I heard him call my name. "Harley! Wait!"

     "Missed me already?" I smiled, so did he. I couldn't help but swoon over his smile. 

     "Of course I did. I was just going to give you this." 

     "What is it?" 

     "My number. Well see ya!" He winked and ran back to his aunt. I couldn't help but smile as I turned around to catch up with my parents. Sammi is gonna flip. 

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