Sebastians story

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  • Dedicated to Hailee Green

     "Sebastian." Before I could say anything else he was running down the hall. I ran after him. Dang that boy was fast, but I was faster. I caught up to him just before he got to the door. I spun him around to look at me.

     "How could you?" He asked. He was crying. I could tell that hurt him.

     "I didn't. If you couldn't tell I was pushing him off. Or did you not pay attention to the whole uppercut to the stomach and the groaning child on the floor?"

     "I'm sorry I'm getting so upset over this. It's just....I've been cheated on before and it not only killed me but it killed my family. They told me to apologize to her and even though I didn't do anything. They seemed to love her more than me. They said I had to try and get her back or I would be in trouble. I never talked to her again though. My dad and mom were mad at me. They still are. So seeing that just brought all that back up." He was still crying tears running down his face. I pulled him to me and hugged him close. We stood there for a while until I knew he was going to be ok. As I pulled away we heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned around in Sebastian's arms to see Puck.

     "What do you want?" I could hear the venom laced with my words.

     "Don't think this is over Warbler. I will win her over. Then you will just be a distant memorie." Did he really just say that? Is he stupid?

     "I don't think so Puckerman." Puck gave Sebastian one last glare and me a wave. I just rolled my eyes and turned my back to him. "You are seriously the best."

     "So are you." I smiled pecking his lips lightly.

     "Want to go somewhere?"


     "It's a surprise!"

     "UGGGH!" I am not one for surprises. I would like to know what I'm getting into. Well this ought to be fun.

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