The Perfect Day

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  • Dedicated to Haiasaurus Rex Green

     It was Monday morning. Ugh. School. I checked the time on my phone 6:00. Why do we start so early? I checked my messages:

     "Good morning Beautiful! Have a good day at school! -Sebastian!" I smiled. I had texted him all weekend. 

     "Good morning to you Handsome! We still hanging out after? -Harley!"

     "Yep pick you up after school! -Sebastian!" 

      I got out of my bed and looked around my room. I had already decorated it and everything was unpacked so that was good. I went to my closet and got out an outfit. ( 

     I grabbed my phone and ran down the stairs. My mom was in the kitchen making some oatmeal. I grabbed a yogurt from the fridge and headed to school. My bag swung side to side on my shoulder. I was walking down the road when a car honked at me. It pulled up beside me and rolled down the window. I looked in and saw a smiling Sebastian. "I saw you walking and thought you might like a ride to school." I smiled as he got out and opened the door for me. I watched as he ran back to his side and sat down.

     "Thanks." We rode to school in a comfortable silence. We drove for a bit until we pulled into a parking lot of the school. I started to get nervous. What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm weird?"

     "Whats up?"


     "Don't lie. I know you Harley. Your nervous."

     "Is it that obvious?" I laughed.

     "No. I just know you well enough to know that when you get nervous your eyes get darker, and that you start to fiddle with your hair. " He pointed at my hand messing with a stray piece of hair. I tucked it into my braid. "Don't worry they are going to love you. You are going to make tons of friends and all the guys are going to be drooling over you but your going to scuz them off and text me." He smiled. I laughed. He had only knew me a few days and he already knew me perfectly. I gave him a hug. 

     "Thank you." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before getting out of the car. I looked back once I got to the office. He was still there giving me two thumbs up. I waved before walking in. 

     "Hello! You must be Harley. I am Miss Pillsbury. Here is your schedule. Oh Rachel!" I looked as she waved at a pretty girl walking down the hall. "Do you think you could show Harley to her classes?" 

      "I would love to. My name is Rachel Berry. Glad to meet you!" She said giving me a hug.

     "Glad to meet you to! I just have a quick question. How do I audition for glee? I had heard that was something fun to do at this school."

     "You can come with me and audition! I am in the glee club. You're gonna love it! Bye Miss Pillsbury!" We walked down the hall. She showed me where all my classes are. Just as we were about to turn the corner to go to my first period a giant purple slushie got thrown in Rachel's face. I could see she was upset. 

     "Back off Dill weed! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" I yelled. I could see the frightened look on their faces. I was scary when I was mad. "Now apologize, and I don't want to EVER see you doing that to anyone ever again. Do you understand me?" 

     "Yes ma'am. We're sorry Rachel. It won't happen again. We promise." They said before running off down the hall. I walked with Rachel to the bathroom to get her cleaned up. 

     "Thank you." 

     "Any time. I don't understand why they did that though. Do they just do that to random people?"

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