Simon Cowell

440 13 7

     To say that I was nervous, wouldn't even be the half of it. At least I liked my outfit. ( Today  my dreams would either be crushed or come true.

      Liam gave me tips the whole way, not that I listened I was to nervous to even think. We got there and sat in the waiting room for a few minutes. There was only one other guy there. He looked sort of cowboyish. He looked over at me and waved. I could tell he was nervous to. I went over and sat by him. "Hello. My names Harley. Whats yours?"

    "Layne." He smiled kindly. He honestly looks like the perfect guy for Kaylee. Hmmm?

      "So Layne. This may be weird but when we get done with our stuff here would you like to come hang out with me and some of my friends?"

     "I would love that. I'm new in town so I don't really know anyone." Yes. Phase one of plan Laylee is complete.


     I looked up to see a guy in his mid thirtiesish. "Yes?"

     "I'm Simon Cowell. Nice to meet you."

      "Nice to meet you to."

      "Well seeing as how I've already heard you sing, I would like to know if you would like to sign to syco records?" He smiled. All I could do was nod. I was in shock. My dreams are actually coming true. Then my phone rang. "Go ahead and get that while I go check on some stuff, then we can talk about a contract." I smiled at him. I looked at my phone, it was Kaylee.

      "Harley?" Shoot. She sounds pissed.


     "So.... We all decided to come over to your house and wait for you to get home from your thing. What ever it was, and we found a little something in Sebastian's room."

     I calmed down a bit. Maybe she just sounds that way cause Josh is there. "So what did you find?"

      "You want me to tell you or do you want him to?"

      "Kaylee just tell me."

      "Well I went up to check on Grace. Who is fine by the way. Then I went to see if Sebastian was up and I found another girl in your house." No. No. No. No. No. How could he? I couldn't even hold the phone anymore. I let it fall to the ground as I crumpled on the chair. This. Is. Not. Happening.

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