01. How you meet? (British YouTubers)

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01. How you meet? (British YouTubers)

Jack Harries

You are working for Jack. You're in his video editing team. You are around when he makes YouNows and you two are often with the group together to drink coffee or tea. You had always liked Jack, but you knew he didn't notice you. Until he asked you out! After three dates, he finally asked you to be his girlfriend and you two are still together.

Finn Harries

You were in a rush. You were already late, but you would never skip your morning coffee. You finally got your coffee and was ready to go, but you bumped into someone. The hot coffee all over your clothes. You looked up and saw an handsome guy looking at you, guilt in his eyes. "I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed. "It's done now." You simply said. "What can I do to make it up with you?" The guy asked. "Dinner tonight would be nice." You said and winked. The guy said nothing. You wrote your number down on his hand and said: "Call me." And then quickly left to go to your work.

Alfie Deyes

Your cousin Marcus introduced you two. When he saw you, he knew that he at least should ask you on a date. The whole day the two of you talked and it actually clicked. In the evening, Alfie finally got the courage to ask you out. After the first date, many others followed.

Marcus Butler

Marcus was doing one of his crazy videos again in his apartment, which was above you. You never minded the noise, but right now you couldn't handle it. You got up from the couch and knocked on his door. The noise stopped and he opened the door. "Marcus, can you please turn down the noises? I can't handle it today." You whispered with a sore throat. Marcus nodded. You went back to your apartment and just watched some television. After an hour or so, there was a knock on the door. You opened it and Marcus walked in. "I'm here to take care of you. It's what neighbors do, right?" He asked with a smile. After that day, he never left you alone and you didn't really mind.

Joe Sugg

"Joe, shut up." Zoe shouted. You giggled. "I'm so sorry. Just my brother. Continue your story please." Zoe said. You told her about the funeral from your grandmother. "I'm so sorry Y/N." Zoe said. You said nothing. "I'll be back soon." Zoe said and left the room. After she left, you finally broke out in tears. You closed your eyes and just let the tears roll. You felt two strong arms wrap around you. "I'm sorry about your grandmother Y/N." You heard Joe say. You just snuggled into his side and closed your eyes. You knew Joe was there to take care of you.

Dan Howell

"Just go!" Y/F/N exclaimed. "I don't even know the guy!" You protested. "It's just a simple blind date, do you know how much it had to take me before he agreed on going?" Y/F/N said. "I don't care." You said grumbling. "I owe you after this, just go. Please?" Y/F/N said. You groaned. "Fine, but you owe me." You said. Y/F/N smiled. You drove to the place your friend told you and waited. "Uhm, are you Y/N?" You heard someone ask unsure. You looked up. It was Dan Howell. Dan freaking Howell. You nodded. "Hi, Y/F/N set us up." He said. You laughed. "I know. Let's go, do whatever she planned for us." You said. In the end you were happy Y/F/N begged you to go on that date.

Phil Lester

When did you meet Phil? You didn't even remember it. You were friends with Phil as long as you could remember. You two were best friends, until... Until your parents died and you had to live with your grandparents. When you finally came back to London, Phil had moved on and had a new best friend: Dan Howell. Even though, when he saw you, his eyes went wide and he hugged you. "I can't believe you're back." He muttered over and over. "It's really me." You whispered back. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." Phil mumbled. You smiled sadly. "The most important part is that you're here now." You said and Phil hugged you even harder.

Bertie Gilbert

Your head was in your locker. Where was the stupid thing? When you finally saw it, you couldn't reach for it. "Need any help?" You heard someone ask. You looked up and saw Bertie. Bertie Gilbert. "I, uh. Yes please." You stuttered. Bertie grabbed your favourite pen, yes you were looking for your favourite pen. He handed it to you and smiled. "Thanks." You said blushing. "Now, how are you going to pay me back?" Bertie asked. For one second you were scared. "Let me take you on a date." Bertie said. You looked at him with wide eyes. "Your number?" He asked smiling. You grabbed his hand and wrote your number on his hand with your favourite pen. After the date, you and Bertie had many more dates.

PJ Liguori

"The girl was lonely, until the boy found her again. His whole life he had been searching for her and he had found her. The story ended happily after all." You finish. People started clapping. You smile and bow. One person caught your eye. You looked again. Yes, it was him. You got off the stage. He immediately walked over to you. "You wrote that?" He asked. You nodded. "You're so talented. You want to grab a coffee and share some secrets?" He asked. You just nodded, this was PJ Liguori. It started with the coffee date and after that he asked you on a proper date. Now three years later, you two were sitting in the same café, celebrating your engagement.


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