10. His friend(s) talk about you

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10. You hear them talking about you

The Janoskians, Tyler Oakley, Troye Sivan, Caspar Lee

Jai Brooks

"That girl..." Luke started. "What about Y/N?" Beau asked. You quietly walked closer to the door. You wanted to know what his friends thought of you. "She makes Jai so happy." You smiled. "She's better than Ariana." Ames chimed in. You smiled. You had heard enough, so you decided to walk into the room. Only to be greeted by four members of the Janoskians.

Luke Brooks

Just as you wanted to walk into the room, you heard voices. "I'm telling you Luke. There's something off about Y/N." Daniel said carefully. "No." Luke said stubbornly. You sighed. Daniel was right, there was something dark you had to tell Luke. "Luke, you know it." Daniel said. Luke sighed. "Maybe you're right." Luke mumbled. Maybe it was time you were going to tell Luke after dating him for five months. You took a deep breath before you entered the room. You had to have a serious chat with Luke.

Beau Brooks

"Dude, I'm telling you.. tonight is the night." Beau said. "You're hundred percent sure?" James asked over a Skype session. "Yes, I do. I already have everything in my head. I just hope she says yes." Beau mumbled that last part. "She's head over heels for you. Of course she will say yes!" James exclaimed. You grinned, knowing what was going to happen that night.

James Yammouni

"I like her." James said. You stayed behind the door. You wanted to know who the lucky girl was. You liked James, he was your best friend, so you didn't say anything. James never had a relationship, he did one night stands, but he was never in a relationship. "We know." Jai said, you could picture him grinning. "I just don't know how she feels about me though." James said unsure. "Dude, Y/N likes you, maybe even loves you!" Luke exclaimed. "You don't know that." James said unsure. "Fuck you, why would we lie?" Beau said. You grinned and entered the room, pretending you heard nothing.

Daniel Sahyounie

"Are you going to tell her soon?" Beau asked. You felt Daniel's finger going through your hair. You had just woken up, but you didn't want to open your eyes just yet. "Yeah, I hope at our date tonight." Daniel said. "She will say it back. Everyone already thought you told each other 'I love you'." Beau said. You tried not to smile. Of course you loved Daniel.

Tyler Oakley

"She's smoking hot!" You heard Sawyer Hartman say. You grinned. You already understood they were talking about you because they had mentioned your name a few times. Tyler was having a conversation with Sawyer while was calling you accidentally. "Shut up. She's my best friend." Tyler said. "But she's still hot." Sawyer said. You laughed so hard that you decided to hang up before they caught you.

Troye Sivan

"I would dat her." Oscar, a good friend of Troye, said. "Ask her out then." Troye said annoyed. You grinned. Did Oscar know Troye was skyping you? Probably not. "What, no! She's way out of my league." Oscar exclaimed. You started to laugh. "What, who is laughing?" Oscar asked confused. "Hey Oz. Yes, I would love to go on a date with you." You said grinning. Oscar blushed but smiled widely.

Caspar Lee

"You want to break up with Y/N, don't you?" Caspar's friend Mason asked. You sucked in some air. What? "I-" Caspar started, but his other friend, Blake interrupted him. "Well?" He asked Caspar. You slid down the wall so you could sit. He wanted to break up with you? :Admit it, you have been pretty distant to her the last days." Mason pushed. A tear rolled down your cheek, Mason was right. Caspar had been pretty distant. "No! I was planning on proposing to her. I'm so nervous. Ooh god, I totally forgot about her. Well, about spending time with her. Shit." Caspar mutter. You smiled, got up and walked into the room. You kissed Caspar's cheek before leaving again. Leaving him behind, very confused.

sorry! I updated later than planned!

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