12. You Fight

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You fight

Joe Sugg-
"Joe! We have to go!" You shouted, waiting for your boyfriend. "Huh?" It was the only reply you got from him. Something in you snapped, you couldn't control your anger. You stormed into his room. "How could you forget this again! You know how important this is for me!" You shouted at him. "I'm sorry Y/N, but I have a life, I have a job! I have to keep up with everything and I can't always keep up with your pathetic things!" You stared at him. "I'll will tell my parents we aren't coming AGAIN." And with that, you stormed out.

PJ Linguori-
You and PJ were going strong. It was close to your three year anniversary and you were proud to say that you never ever had a big fight with him. You were so happy you guys have always been able to solve everything before it became bug. Now, at the day of your anniversary AND your birthday, you were expecting something sweet from PJ, but instead your shared apartment was empty. You had called him, no answer, your texts weren't answered and he didn't reply to you on social media. You had no idea where he was. When he finally came home, you were buying angry. You looks at him, angry tears escaping out of your eyes. "Happy anniversary." You hissed and with that said, you left.

Alfie Deyes-
"Stop." "Stop." "Stop." You repeatedly said, getting more and more annoyed and angry. Your brother Alfie was annoying you. He knew it would anger you, but that didn't stop him. Suddenly, incredibly annoyed and angry, you slapped him across his face, just so he would stop annoying you. He looked at you stunned. "Did you just slap me?!" "And then? You just couldn't stop annoying me! It pisses me off so much and you know that! Just stop it!" You shouted at him. "Why are you always such a bitch to me!" "Why are you always such an annoying asshole to me!" You two shouted at the same time. You huffed and walked upstairs to your room.

Dan Howell-
Normally, Dan was really sweet and understand. He would never just shout at you, but tonight, tonight you crossed a line in his eyes. Probably more than one line. He was so pissed at you and you couldn't even help it. "How could you even let no, go so far!" Dan shouted at you. You flinched. He had been yelling at you for at least thirty minutes. "I couldn't help it! He had his arms around me, holding me tight!" You suddenly snapped. You had enough of his shouting at you. "I couldn't do anything! I was so scared and I was hoping you would come and help me and now you are here, shouting at me!" You said, wiping your angry tears away as you walked to the bathroom.


Um, yeah. I could write a part two where they could make up, but yeah.. I don't know how many people read this. At least 10 votes and 5 comments, just so I know if I should continue.


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