02. How do you meet? (Other YouTubers)

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02. How do you meet? (other YouTubers)

Trevor Moran

"Hey!" You shouted angrily at the boy who just shoved you. He turned around to look at you. "What?" He asked and grinned stupidly. "You shoved me!" You shouted. "Did I?" The boy asked, still with the stupid grin on his face. "Yes, you did!" The boy started to laugh and shoved you again. "Hey!" Someone else shouted. You turned around and saw another boy. "You don't shove girls!" He exclaimed at the boy. The boy just laughed lazily and turned around. You looked up at the boy who defended you. "Thanks. I'm Y/N by the way." You said. "I'm Trevor. Trevor Moran."

Sam Pottorff

"You sure you are going to do it?" Y/F/N asked. You nodded. "I want this tattoo since I was fifteen. My parents can't decide what I can do and can't do." You said. Your friend shrugged and walked with you into the tattoo shop. "How can I help you miss?" An artist asked. You explained to him what you wanted and he told you to wait. You sat down and next to you was a guy. "Hey." He said. "Hi." Y/F/N looked at you and mouthed 'hot'. You giggled. "You here for a tattoo?" He asked. You laughed and nodded. "I'm Sam by the way." Sam said. "I'm Y/N." You said. Sam was still sitting there when the artist came back with your tattoo. You loved it. "It looks good on you." Sam complimented. You blushed. "Shit, uhm. Y/N. my mom texted me. She needs me, sorry." Y/F/N said and just left. You had tears in your eyes. Did she really left you to get a tattoo on your own? You was on the chair when you felt someone held your hand. "Don't worry. I'm here. Squeeze my hand if it hurts." Sam said and smiled.

Kian Lawley

The doorbell rang. "Y/N, can you get the door?" Andrea shouted. "Whatever." You shouted back and opened the door. Kian Lawley, the new boyfriend of your sister. "Hey Andrea, why are you not dressed up?" Kian asked confused. You looked down at your clothes. This was what you wore today, nothing wrong right. "Uhm, Kian. It's not Andrea." You said. "Funny." Kian said and hugged you. "What the heck is happening?" Andrea asked as she came down the stairs. Kian looked from you to Andrea and back. "Andrea what is this?" Kian asked confused. You and Andrea started to laugh and Andrea wrapped her arm around your shoulder. "This, Kian. This is my identical twin sister." She said as she kissed your cheek. Kian started to laugh. "I'm sorry..." He trailed off. "Y/N, my name is Y/N." You assured him. "Well, I'm sorry Y/N. Andrea, we're late. Let's go." After they had left, you were still laughing.

Ricky Dillon

"Do you remember summer '09." You started to sing a song from One Direction. Throughout the song, people stopped to watch. When you were done, they clapped. You started another song. After thirty minutes, you were done and people started to move again. "It's so cool you can sing and like one direction." You hear a familiar voice say. You turn around and see Ricky Dillon. He's from O2L. You are trying your hardest not to show him you are almost fainting. "Are you okay?" Ricky asked worried. You manage to nod before everything goes black. When you open your eyes, you see that you're on the grass with Ricky next to you. "I didn't know what to do." Ricky said as he saw your eyes were open. "Thank you." You mumbled. "Can you teach me how to play guitar?" Ricky asked. You smiled and nodded. You immediately started. In the end of the afternoon, you left with Ricky's number in your phone.

JC Caylen

"This is my old school. I honestly don't know why people want to know that." You said while you were filming it. You walked around in your hometown. "And there's a girl with a camera." You heard someone say. You turned around, still with your camera in your hand. "JC Caylen." You said smirking. "Y/N Y/L/N." JC mimicked you. He also had a camera in his hand. "What are you doing here?" You asked. "I'm filming. Duh." JC said. "Well, so am I. My viewers asked me to show them were I lived." I said and laughed. "I know, it was my request to film your school." JC said. You looked at him, a little shocked. "What, you're watching my videos?" You asked sarcastic. "What, you don't believe it?" JC asked. "Well, no." You said. "I'm one of your biggest fans!" JC exclaimed. You started blushing, you liked JC's account too. "Let's make a collab." You shouted. JC grinned, but accepted. You kept contact and on Vidcon he asked you out.

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