05. What he does when you're upset.

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05. What he does when you're upset.

O2L and The Janoskians


Trevor Moran

He will sing Lady Gaga for you until you would smile a little. If that won't help, he will start dancing ridiculously until you will burst out into laughter.

Sam Pottorff

He will let you do anything you want for once. If you want to paint his nails, he will let you do it. If you want to bake cookies, he will help you. Sometimes he will kiss your cheek and laugh if you do something funny. Sam is actually a good boyfriend.

Kian Lawley

You two will watch funny video. Kian will have his arms wrapped around you and he will kiss you all over your face until you will make a small smile.

Ricky Dillon

Ricky will twerk. He will sing one of your favourite songs and tell you over and over that you're beautiful. If that won't help, he will release the tickle monster on you.

JC Caylen

When you're quiet, just sitting on the couch, that's the sign something is wrong. He won't try to get an answer from you. He will be sweet and helpful. Most of the times you end up telling him what is bothering you.

Connor Franta

He'll try to get you smile by talking in weird accents. You both know he's horrible at them and you always laugh when he tries.

The Janoskians:

Jai Brooks

When you're upset, you mostly lay in your bed, not getting out for anything. Jai will join you and cuddle up with you until you want to go out or do something.

Luke Brooks

He knows how much you love movies. So, Luke always tries to quote from your favourite movies, but he will screw it up because he will mix up the movie quotes. You find it adorable and will giggle.

Beau Brooks

Beau is extremely protective of you. Whether it's a fan tweeting something rude about you or one of the boys said something wrong, Beau will defend you. No matter what. He can't stand it when you are upset.

Daniel Sahyoune

You're really shy and get upset quickly. You take things often too personal. Daniel hates it when you are upset and tries everything to make you smile again. He'll post a photo from the two of you on social media with the text: 'Help me to get this beautiful girl smile again.' Every time it works.

James Yammouni

Every time you cry, James will break inside. He wants you to smile, not to shed tears. So, the only thing he knows that will work is when he acts like an idiot. You're his girl and will do anything for you. You will smile as you see that James is running and screaming around only to make you smile.

dedicated to @JoeSuggsWifey because I love her and because she's only one who voted and commented.. I still do requests, but no one gives me one..


at home

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