11. Your first fight *REQUESTED*

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11. Your first fight *REQUESTED*

The Janoskians

Jai Brooks

"Seriously, you're asking me this again? I told you, it was nothing!" You shout at Jai. "I saw it myself!" Jai shouts at you. "You're mental Jai, do you even know who he is?" You shout back. "He kissed you, I know what I saw!" Jai hisses. "He kissed me on the cheek!" Jai is quiet. "Well?" You snap. "He kissed you." Jai mumbles, he still sounds angry. No, it's even worse. He sounds furious. "If you are going to let me tell you who is, you don't have to be angry anymore." You say with narrowed eyes. "No, he kissed you. You cheated on me!" Jai shouts. He got up, grabs his jacket and left. You finally let the tears float. All you wanted to tell Jai was how happy you were he finally could meet your brother.

Luke Brooks

"Fuck this shit!" Luke shouts at his computer. He is trying to edit the newest video of the Janoskians but apparently something went wrong. "Luke calm down." You say, trying to calm him down. "No, shut up bitch!" Luke shouts at you. Your eyes widen. What did he say. "What did you just say?" You hiss. Luke turns around, obviously furious. "Stop nagging me woman!" He shouts. You always knew Luke had a bad temper and sometimes he reacted it on you, but this time was different. You slap Luke to get his attention. "Never, ever, call me bitch again or this is the last time you will see me." You shout right in his face before you run of to your bathroom.

Beau Brooks

"Come on, YN. For me?" Beau asks. You shake your head. "No, I can't. Y/F/N and I made this appointment a long time ago. I can't play your camera woman right now." You say. "God, you're so selfish!" Beau says angry. You look at Beau. He really thinks that? You and Y/F/N were going to buy a present for his birthday. You really wanted to buy the perfect present. Of course, Beau didn't know that, but still. He had to know that you also needed a day with your friends. "You think I'll film for you after that comment?" You spat. Beau just looks at you. "You know, just go. I don't even care anymore." Beau says as he turns around.

James Yammouni

"Who the hell is that?" You ask as you find a girl in James' lap. "This is, uhm. This is..." James trails off. He looks at you with a helpless look in his eyes. "Well, I am waiting?" You ask angry and impatiently. "I'm his hook-up for tonight. Who are you?" The bitch asks. You look at James. Your eyes water, even though you don't want to cry. "Hook-up?" You whisper. James looks at the ground. "Well, explain it to me!" You shout. "YN. It's.. it's just. You're never here anymore and I..." James doesn't finish his sentence. "I think it's over. I can't believe it. Our first fight and it's over." You shout at him before you leave.

Daniel Sahyounie

"Out of my way!" Daniel shouts as he shoves you. "Hello to you too, Dan." You say sarcastically. "I don't really have time for this." Daniel says irritated. "Ooh, it's nice to see you after two weeks YN." You say, still sarcastically. "I told you! I don't have time for this now!" Daniel shouts angry at you. "What's going on with you!" You shout at him. "Maybe it's the fact you left without telling me!" Daniel shouts back. "I've told you a dozen times, you never listen to me." Your cheek stings as Daniel slaps you right across your face. You look up at him. His eyes are big, a tear rolls down his cheek. "Omg." He mumbles. "So, I guess this is it? It's over. Fine." You mumble as you get up. "Bye Daniel." You whisper.

OMG, I suck at this.. I'm sorry. I tried. Someone asked me to write it and I tried, but it's really hard.. I hope you all appreciate it..

ooh wait, before I leave!

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