07. What his friends think of you/ what they love about you

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07. What his friends think of you/ what they love about you

Everyone, EV-ERY-ONE

Jack Harries

You're sweet and kind. When you get hate on twitter, you reply understanding and kind. His friends love it that you're understand about everything. You never get angry and when you do, you make sure everyone listens to you.

Finn Harries

They love it that you have two sides. A playful and a serious side. You always know how to act and not to hurt someone.

Alfie Deyes

You're honest. You always tell the truth and they love it, but sometimes you're a little too honest and end up hurting someone.

Marcus Butler

You're not jealous, when fans come up to you, you patiently wait and make the pictures for the fans. You know, at the end of the day, Marcus goes home with you. His friends admire it, it's hard not to get jealous.

Joe Sugg

You're a YouTuber too! They love it because you exactly know how he feels. They think the two of you are perfect for each other.

Dan Howell

At the beginning, no one was sure about you two. You have ADHD and you're very noisy and loud. When his friends saw how much you liked each other, they warmed all up.

Phil Lester

No one saw it coming. The two of you were best friends for so long. As soon as they were used to the idea of the two of you together, they loved you as a couple.

Bertie Gilbert

In the beginning, Bertie completely forgot about his friends because he was too busy with you. They hated you for it, but when they finally met you, they totally understood why Bertie forgot about them.

PJ Liguori

He met you during a story telling contest. His friends were with him and they convinced him to ask you out. PJ was glad they made him ask you out.

Trevor Moran

They love you. They always tease Trevor by telling him he has to be careful before one of them snatches you away. All Trevor does is laugh and wrap his arm around your waist.

Sam Pottorff

You're so innocent in their eyes, that's funny. They make dirty jokes and will laugh. Of course, Sam knows better and laughs at his friends because they think you're so innocent.

Kian Lawley

They don't really know you. Every time they are over, you're at home studying. You really want to meet them, but you're in your last year of high school and you have to pass. You promised Kian that as soon you had your diploma, you would be more around.

Ricky Dillon

They think you're hilarious. You don't really understand why because all you do is being yourself. You're just happy they like you.

JC Caylen

You're so responsible.. they like it, but sometimes you go too far. All you want is to make sure of is that JC doesn't get hurt.

Connor Franta

When people say that Connor is sassy, they didn't have met you yet. His friends love all your sassy remarks in real life or on social medial. They think you're perfect for Connor.

Jai Brooks

Dating you hasn't always been easy, there were times you were crying about something Jai had done or said. However, you always found you way back to Jai and his friends thought it was real love.

Luke Brooks

His friends were impressed of you. You were a Hollywood actress and they just couldn't get over the fact how flawless you were. They were often drooling when they saw you and Luke going to a premiere.

Beau Brooks

He was kind of protective of you. You had gone through a lot and he didn't want his friends to be rude to you. When they finally met you, they all thought you were beautiful and funny. They totally got why Beau was protective of you.

Daniel Sahyoune

Daniel and you. That was a funny question. The one time you agree on going on a coffee with your sister, you walked straight into your future boyfriend's arms. His friends were there and knew exactly how you were. Straight to the point and cheeky.

James Yammouni

"Y/N, stop laughing!" That was something the Janoskians would shout at you. You laughed at everything they did. It was so annoying sometimes, they wouldn't let you go on filming a video. Of course, they still called you their YouTuber girlfriend.

Troye Sivan

His friends loved it that you were his best friend. You just seemed to always fit in. whether it was all boys or boys and girls. You always knew what to say.

Tyler Oakley

People weren't used to your European pale skin and your raw humor. In the beginning, everyone but Tyler seemed to avoid you. That was until Tyler's birthday were he introduced you to his friends and they all liked you. It was actually Tyler who helped you with getting your current boyfriend.

Caspar Lee

"She's crazy. She's even worse than us." That's what Luke Hemmings said about you. Caspar had friends everywhere and everyone said the same. Y/N is crazy. The good part was, was that they didn't mind. They liked your crazy self because it mostly meant that you were going to cause a funny moment.

AN: Give me some requests please, vote so I know people are actually reading them!!!


at home, I've two free periods right now :3

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