09. His Siblings

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09. His Siblings

British YouTubers and OurSecondLife

Jack Harries

Finn and Emmy loved you. You, Jack and Finn often went clubbing and when you were over at his parents' house, you and Emmy did the things Jack always refused to do.

Finn Harries

Jack and Emmy didn't accept you right away. Especially Emmy found it hard. She thought you were going to replace her. Now, after two years. You all went along.

Alfie Deyes

Poppy liked you. The two of you always went shopping, talking about Alfie and telling each other funny and embarrassing stories about him.

Marcus Butler

Heidi and Tash at first didn't even believe he was dating you. You were a famous reporter. You had been everywhere and had talked to anyone who was famous. When they saw you, they congratulated Marcus and instantly liked you.

Joe Sugg

You knew Zoe before Joe. She was one of who pushed the two of you together. They set up a date and brought the two of you together.

Dan Howell

When you met Adrian, you thought it was Dan. After you saw Dan, you were a little embarrassed, but now you love Adrian like your own brother.

Phil Lester

Mooken, yes. He was a lot younger than you and Phil. It was fine though. The connection was soon made. Your weirdness got Mooken talk to you, just like it got Phil falling for you.

Bertie Gilbert

Bertie doesn't have any siblings, but his friends adore you. You and Bertie met on the set of HP 7 and were friends until Bertie finally got the balls to ask you out.

PJ Liguori

His brother and sister loved the fact you were a poet. Your poems were usually about your feelings, so your latest poems were a lot happier than your earlier poems.

Trevor Moran

Blake was older than the two of you, you hadn't seen him a lot, but he was nice. He liked you because you made Trevor happy.

Sam Pottorff

His two brothers and sister liked you. Well, his youngest brother didn't really know you, but when you were there he smiled. You five always played board games.

Kian Lawley

His sisters and brothers loved you. That was because you could cook really well. They also liked it that you were nice to all of them, even when you got angry.

Ricky Dillon

Tara liked you. You always had funny stories about Ricky. She also liked it that you and Ricky would sing a duet together, most of the times it was an One Direction song.

JC Caylen

Jaylyn and Joe Felix liked the fact you always wanted to play when you were over. JC not always liked it, but at the end of the day, he was still playing along.

Connor Franta

Brandon, Dustin and Nicola didn't really know what to think of you at first. You were the quiet, yet very beautiful girl. You were really shy when you met them, but Nicola got you talking and after a few hours you were talking just as much as they did.

AN. As far as I know, Bertie Gilbert doesn't have any siblings. I googled it, watched his videos, but I can't find it anywhere.. sorry.. tell me if I'm wrong.


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