08. He's Jealous

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08. He's Jealous

The Janoskians, Tyler Oakley, Troye Sivan, Caspar Lee

Y/M/F/N: your male friend's name

Jai Brooks

You are at a party. Jai and his friends took you with them. Jai is currently in the bathroom and you are waiting for him on your own. "Hello Beautiful, let's dance." You hear a creepy voice behind you says. Before you know it, the person drags you to the dance floor. The person behind you starts to grind on you. After a couple of very scary minutes, the person is gone. "She's mine." You hear Jai's familiar voice growl. The guy walks away. Jai's arms wrap around you. "Now, were jealous?" "No, you're just mine."

Luke Brooks

You are on the phone with your best friend since his birthday is coming up soon. "No way!" you say laughing. Luke looks up from his phone. "Y/M/F/N, you're so weird." Luke frowns. "What do you want for your birthday, by the way?" You ask your best friend. You burst out in laughter when you hear your friend's reply. "You're so dirty!" You exclaim. Luke wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you on his lap. "I think I know what to buy for you. Yeah, see you in a few days. Love you too, bye!" You say as you hang up. Luke pushes you off and leaves the room, clearly upset. "Luke, babe!" You shout. "Go to Y/M/F/N if you love him so much!" Luke shouts. "Luke, come back. I can't believe you're jealous. I love you and only you!" Luke rushes back and kisses you hungrily.

Beau Brooks

"Shake that ass baby." A random guy shouts at you as you fool around with your friends. You were just shaking your hips. You look at the guy. He wasn't even hot. The guy sees you looking and walks into your direction. He starts a conversation and flirts with you. You try to make clear you aren't interested, but the guy just doesn't stop. He touches your arms and your waist and you don't feel comfortable. "What is this?" You hear Beau shout behind you. You try to turn around, but the guy has his hands still on your hips. "I want you to let go of my girlfriend." Beau says darkly. The guy looks at you. "You were leading me on?" You shake your head. "I told you I wasn't interested." The guy lets go of you and you hug Beau. "You don't have to be jealous. It always will be you." You whisper in his ear.

Daniel Sahyoune

"You look hot!" Jai shouts when you walk out in your evening dress. You blush. You are really conscious and you never know how to react when someone gives you a compliment. "Yeah, is there a special occasion?" Beau asks as he checks you out. "I've a date with Daniel." You mutter. "A date with Daniel, why not go on a date with me?" Jai asks and wiggles his eyebrows. "You didn't just say that!" You hear Daniel shout. You sigh and close your eyes. Of course. Daniel walks over to Jai and punches him in the face. "She's mine!" He shouts. "Skip! He was only joking!" Beau exclaims. "It's not funny! Y/N is mine and only mine!" Daniel shouts as he wraps his arm around my waist. You giggle and kisses your cheek. "But you really do look hot." Daniel whispers in your ear before he pecks your cheek.

James Yammouni

"Yes, perfect." The photographer shouts for the tenth time. You change your pose. "Y/N?" You hear your boyfriend James shout. You close your eyes and sigh. "Take five, everyone!" The photographer says. You immediately walk over to James. "What are you doing here?" You shout at him. "I missed you!" He whines. "This is the fourth time you're interrupting my shoot!" You exclaim. "it's just..." James trails off. "It's what?" You snap. "The people shouldn't see you in these clothes." James whispers. You suppress a giggle. "Are you jealous?" James looks at his feet. "You are!" You say and smile. "I just love you so much." James says and presses his lips against yours.

Tyler Oakley

"Aw, boo. I love you too." You gush. "No, you hang up." You say giggling. Tyler sighed in annoyance. He grabs your phone out of your hand. "Y/N is now spending time with me, her best friend. Bye!" And he hangs up. You look at your best friend. "Hey!" Tyler just looks at you. "Otherwise you would never hung up." He says. You look at the floor. "We never spend time with me anymore and when we do, you are texting or calling with your boyfriend!" "You're jealous!" You exclaim. "Hell yeah, you're replacing me for him."

Troye Sivan

"She was so good and I went on stage!" You say happily. "Yeah, yeah. Now shut up." Troye says moodily. Troye has been in a horrible mood ever since the concert was over. "Troye, can you stop being such an asshole right now? I can't do anything about it. I was just lucky that Katy Perry chose me. I know how much you like her, but I do too. Now, be a good brother and be happy for me!" You shout at Troye. All he does is turn around. "Omg, you're jealous!" You shout. Troye turns back. "What did you think, of course I am!" He shouts at you. You just laugh, it's all you can do.

Caspar Lee

"Max, Hannah. Caspar is here!" You hear Emily shout. You hear child giggles and the two children run over to Caspar. "Caspar!" They shout. "Hello, Max. Hannah." Caspar says. "I brought another friend." Caspar says and introduces you to them. "This is Y/N." Caspar says. The two of them look at you. "Come on. Let's play!" Max suddenly shouts and drags you into the house. After you played with the two little blonde kids for hours, you finally get some rest. Caspar is nowhere to be found, but Theodora says he's in his room. You walk upstairs and knock quietly on the door. You open it and see Caspar laying on his bed. "Cas, are you okay?" "It's nothing. Go away, you seem to have enough fun with Max and Hannah." Caspar says with a small voice. You laugh. "Caspar, don't be jealous of two children. I love you and only you." You say. Caspar wraps his arms around you and kisses your lips with passion.

like uhm, I think 11-01-14, I forgot to write it down

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