Luke Brooks image for Abby

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Luke Brooks image for Abby

“Abby?” Luke shouts. “Yeah?” I shout back. “I, uh I need some help.” Luke shouts. I quickly rush over to the kitchen. Baby food is everywhere and your little girl, Sarah is in her high chair, giggling.

I look at Luke, seeing him also covered in baby food. I start to laugh. “God, Luke. What did you do?” I ask. “Sarah didn’t want to eat.” Luke mumbles. I grin.

“You know what, you go change and get Bobby.” I say, referring to our seven year old son. Luke nods and leaves the kitchen. “You didn’t want to eat, little one?” I ask Sarah. All she does is giggle.

I sigh and make another bowl with baby food. “Mummy is going to feed you.” I say to my still giggling girl. I get the bowl out of the microwave and put it on the table. I hand Sarah a spoon and a smaller bowl and put some food in there.

She smiles happily and starts to eat, on her own.

Soon enough, Bobby and Luke come downstairs. Luke looks at me and sees me all clean and Sarah happily eating her food.

“How do you do that?” He asks in awe. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s just my special mom power.” I joke. Luke kisses my cheek. “It has to be that.” He says.

“Make sure she eats her food, I’m going to wake the twins.” I say. Luke nods and sit down with Bobby.

I walk upstairs and knock on the door of my fifteen year old daughter, Hannah. “Come on, Hannah. Wake up.” I say as I open the door. “Mom!” She shouts. I just laugh. Having Hannah and Oliver on a young age was though, but it was worth it.

Right now, I could relate to her. I knew how it was to wake up in the mornings. “Well, if you don’t want to come. We’re going to aunt Celine.” I say. Hannah immediately gets up.

“Why didn’t you tell me! I have to look… never mind.” Hannah says. I laugh and walk to Oliver’s room. I do the same as I did with Hannah and open his door. “Ollie, we’re going to aunt Celine. Get up!” I shout.

Oliver opens his eyes and slowly get up.

I just love my kids. 

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