Connor Franta image for Amy

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Connor Franta image for Amy

“You, me, dinner tonight?” Connor asks nervous. I giggle. “Yeah, that was the plan right?” I ask. Connor nods.

I frown. Why was he so nervous? He had been acting weird all week. I had no idea what was wrong. “Connor, is something wrong?” I mumble. “What, no. No!” Connor exclaims quickly, a little too quickly.

“And mister Franta. How do I have to dress for the occasion?” I ask, a smile plastered on my face. “I-I uh, I made reservations for Four Seasons.” Connor mumbles.

My jaw drops. “Excuse me? Four Seasons, how on earth did you manage to do that!” I exclaim. Connor smiles weakly. “My friend is a cook there.” He explains.

I frown. “I never met that friend.” I say. “Don’t worry about it. See you in two hours, alright?” Connor says as he kisses my cheek. I just nod and walk to my closet. Connor goes to the other side of our house.

I looked in my closet. A nice dress. Hmm, I wasn’t really the dress type. That didn’t mean I didn’t own a dress, it just meant I didn’t really have a dress for the occasion.

I quickly jumped into the shower and after that I blow dried my hair before I loosely curled it. I applied some make-up and then put on a dress I had. I found some combat boots and put them on. I’m also not really a high heel person.

Now I was done. I was about to go out of my closet, when I heard a faint knock on the door. “Amy, are you ready?” It was Connor. “Yeah, let’s go.” I said as I opened the door.

Connor’s jaw dropped when he saw me. “You look beautiful.” He said nervous. “Thank you, you look good too.” I said as I pecked his cheek.

The way to the restaurant was quiet. Connor was too absorbed in his own thoughts, and who was I to interrupt him?

The whole dinner was awkward. I was a little scared of why Connor had taken me to the restaurant. Was he going to break up with me.

We just had our dessert delivered and I was just eating my pie. It was good, but I couldn’t really enjoy it because of what I knew what was going to happen. I took a sip of my drink as I felt a horrible cold feeling down my head into the back and front of my top.

I looked up to see a very sorry-looking waiter.

“I’m so sorry miss.” He said. “It’s okay.” I said through gritted teeth. I looked down my lap. There was a glass and a ring.

I looked up, now to see Connor next to me.

He was on one knee.

I grabbed the ring from my lap and looked at it. It was engraved. Amy and Connor 08.10.09. It was the date he asked me to be his girlfriend.

“Amy. I know this evening is not going perfect. I really hoped it would be perfect, but please. Do you want me to do the honor of being my wife?” He asked. I looked at him. I was progressing his words.

He was asking me to marry him?



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