~Chapter Two~

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After school, Andy asked if i wanted to join himself and Joe at Joe's house for band practice. I knew my Dad probably wouldn't mind so i said yes. "Can i bring Patrick along?" I asked. "Yeah, sure. Seems like a nice kid," Andy smiled. "It was fucking horrific in Science though. Disecting frogs. I don't blame him. He kept gagging and pulling his fedora over his eyes. Does he always wear a fedora?" Andy asked. "Think so. He's really good at English, i met him in that class. Thanks anyways, i'll ask him if he wants to come along." I said, walking towards Patrick who was standing by himself over by the gate's, just under the tree.

"You okay, Patrick?" I asked him. He replied lazily with "Yeah, i guess. Could've been better, i suppose." He shrugged.

I sighed. "Yeah.. I know... You'll get through it. Once you're out of high school you'll probably not see most pf them ever again. Think about it that way. Anyway, i would like to know if you wanted to come along with me and the guys to Joe's house today?" Patrick considered this for a while. "Yes. Yeah, actually that'd be good. Let me just phone my Mom and then i'll be right over. What's the address?" Patrick asked me. "23 Parkwell Crescent," i said off the top of my head.

"Oh," said Patrick. "That's only a couple streets off of mine. I'll be a minute." And he pointed for me to walk back to the guys. Not before i heard the "HEY PATTY BEAR HOW WAS YOUR FIRST DAY OF YOUR NEW BIG BOY SCHOOL?" Coming from who i'm guessing was his Mom.

I could guarantee that his Mom knew that somebody was listening, and did that just to embarrass him.. Goddamnit, he was cute when he blushed.

He turned all pink and stuff, and shouted "I'M GOING TO A FRIENDS HOUSE" He then pressed the button to end the call and started muttering all kinds of swear words under his breath. I'm honestly really proud of myself for not pissing myself laughing. I very nearly did piss myself laughing.

On the walk home to Joe's, all i could do was stare at Patrick. He was just...

I'm pretty sure i could him looking at me from the corner of my eyes as well, but darting them away as soon as he noticed i'd caught him.

I found it cute how everytime the wind blew, it would knock his fendora slightly off, so he would rearrange it every time...

~Patrick's P.O.V~

Pete was looking at me. I hope to fucking god that i wasn't blushing, even if i probably was. He's got his hood up and an earphone in. He has the music turned up so loud that you could hear what was playing. He was laighing at something Andy had said about his drumming this morning... He has a really cute smile.

I don't really wanna join in the music conversation because if they found out that i could sing or play then they'd make me be the lead for their band... I just don't think i could handle that. What if i was a disappointment and failed the exam..? They still don't know i actually am in their music class. They're going to find out sooner or later and my damn anxiety is going to get in the way.

Not even a day in and already i had a big fat crush.

~Back to Pete's P.O.V~

On the way to Joe's i explained to Patrick all about the music exam, and how we didn't have a lead or a guitarist. Honestly, i was sort of using it as an excuse to talk to him, but then Joe started. I gave him the evils when he was talking. Andy hasn't spoke the whole way, and his eyes haven't left the pavement. I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with him.

I'm sure Joe could sense it, because after a minute he stopped talking, and didn't take his eyes off of Andy. We all knew from experience that when Andy didn't speak for more than 7 minutes that something was up, and he pretty much mute and wouldn't talk to anybody until it blew over.

In the next five to ten minutes we arrived at Joe's house, and headed straight for the garage. We brought out equipment and discussed the topic of dinner. "Pizza Hutt?" I suggested. "I was thinking more domino's though..." Joe said. "Um, i'll not have anything thanks, i'm not really that hungry anyways" Patrick said putting on a smile. "Dude, my Mom gets the pizza free cause she threatened to sue the delivery guy for driving into our front door. You really wanting to miss out on that?" Joe asked.
Patrick considered."'M'kay then." He said finally.
Joe got out his phone and ordered the pizza directly to the house. He also said that if they didn't hurry up, he'd get his Mom to sue their asses off. Patrick giggled. Andy had went downstairs to set up the equipment for rehearsals. Joe followed so he could tune the guitars and plug them into the amps and set up the stands. Which, of course, left me and Patrick by ourselves. I decided now was a good time time to open the bag of skittles i'd bought before school at the corner shop. "Want one?" i asked Patrick, who i thought i caught staring at me again. "Oh! Uh, yeah, thanks." i picked a purple one out of the bag and raised my arm. i aimed directly at his mouth. He knew what i was doing, so he opened his mouth. The skittle flew across the room, directly into his mouth. We both raised our arms at my mad skills. "AAAAyyyyyyeeee!" We both cheered. Patrick laughed again, and i grinned. He lowered his eyes and bend his head to an angle where his fedora covered them. My eyes didn't leave him.

I stayed like that until my phone buzzed. Patrick's eyes darted upwards towards the noise. i reached into my pocket and pulled it out. It was a text from my friend, Gerard,  asking if i wanted to go to his house party that him and his boyfriend, Frank, we're holding. "What is it?" asked Patrick, seeing my frown.
"My friend, Gerard, is holding a house party on Saturday," Patrick looked confused. "And? Did you not get invited or something?" Patrick asked. "No, no, he invited me and some friends, but i don't really want to miss out on sleep or an opportunity to think of some more song lyrics, if it's just going to be Joe and Andy, though..." i continued.
"Would you possibly want to come along?" i asked Patrick. He looked startled. He smiled and said "Yeah!" just a little too enthusiastically. i grinned, "Sweeeeetttt." i said. Patrick was slightly red in the face. He grinned back.
"You know-" i was cut off, however, because Joe and Andy came back up the stairs to say that the equipment was ready. "Hey, Patrick, do you maybe wanna come and see the rehearsal?" He nodded and followed us into the garage. We headed downstairs and Andy went straight towards his drums, Joe went towards the guitar and i went towards the bass. We all played our pieces, Andy lacing in the drumming that he'd made up this morning and then me with the bass rift and Joe with his solo. Patrick looked impressed. After we finished i said "Not exactly the best... We still need a singer and/or another guitarist." I said, sadly. "Well, Green Day are only a three piece band, and they're doing just fine. Nice bass rift, by the way, Pete." Patrick said to me. "Nice! Green Day are one of my favourites." I said. "Thanks, by the way, i think we were all beginning to loose hope. You don't happen to be any good at guitar or singing do you??" i asked. "Oh, not really... i can play a little bit, but you don't want me, i'm rubbish," Patrick said, rushing his words. I was starting to get a feeling that Patrick knew more about Music than he lead on.


~{Let's be alone together, we could stay young forever, screaming from the top of our lungs}~



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