~Chapter Five~

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  *Patrick's P.O.V*

The rest of the party was magical. Josh grinned across the room when he saw me and Pete (literally) come out the closet, all red-faced from all the kissing. I noticed Josh and Tyler were pretty red too, and were holding hands. I grinned back. Mr. Matchmaker Stump indeed.

I still felt the electricity that had surged through me during that kiss, and i knew i was in trouble as soon as i did.

I knew immediately that i was going to end up falling for this boy hard. I grasped onto Pete's hand and the whole crowd around the closet went crazy. I grinned ear to ear at Pete, and he smiled.

The smiling stopped when it was Dallon's turn to spin the bottle for 7 Minutes In Heaven, and it just so happened to land on none other than Brendon Urie, who was now famous in our year for breaking up with Ryan Ross, who was sitting in the corner of the party, giving the evils to Brendon, and anybody else who looked at him.

According to Gerard's rules, EVERYBODY had to participate, no matter who it landed on, even if it meant you had to go two, three or four times.

Dallon blushed, got in the closet and was hesitantly followed by Brendon.

At this point, Ryan had stormed out of the house and slammed the door so hard, Gerard's walls were shaking.

A few minutes had past, Gerard pulled out his watch and shouted "2 MINUTES!" at the door.

Majority of us weren't expecting them to be doing anything, except from when Frank opened the door, we found Brendon and Dallon surgically attached to each other at the mouth.

"Ahem.." Frank said, "Sorry boys, but would you mind dettaching yourselves from one another and getting out my boyfriends cupboard for the next round?" Frank said, grinning.

Dallon turned bright red, and Brendon got Frank in a headlock and ruffled his hair.

*Pete's P.O.V*

Honestly, tonight has been one of the best nights in my life.

After the party, i walked Patrick home, hand in hand. I stopped a couple of metres from his front door, my hand still in his. "What's wrong?" Patrick asked, looking at me curiously. I drew him in a little closer.

"Yes, Pete?"
"Will you be my boyfriend?" I smiled as i said it, meeting his eyes, then quickly glancing back down to the floor again.
"Yes!" Patrick replied. I grinned and went in for another kiss, this time parting his lips slightly, and massaging his tongue with my own. Patrick moaned, tightening his arms around my waist.

That was until we heard the door open. A woman who i supposed was Patrick's mother looked at us, sighed, and put her hand over her heart. "Awwww, you cuties! Well, hello, Peter! I've heard so much about you!"

Patrick broke away from the kiss, turned bright red, audibly groaned and put his face in his hands.

"Nice to meet you too, Mrs Stump! Patrick was saying something warlier about embarrassing baby photo albums, may i please have a browse?" I asked. Mrs Stumps eyes filled with humour. Patrick gave me the evil eyes, but saw the humour in this and lightened up.

"Why, of course, dear! Come inside, i'm making Casserole! Would you like some?" Mrs.Stump asked. I could definetely tell where Patrick got his aura of cuteness he always seemed to radiate. "Actually, yes i'm quite hungry. Thank you." I said politely.

Patrick was glaring at me, and going bright red at the pictures i was looking though, making "awwww" sounds at each one to wind him up. Pretty soon i was tucking myself into a giant plate of a delicious pork casserole handmade by Mrs. Stump.

When i finished my plate, i put it on the bunker next to the sink so that Mrs Stump could wash it.

"Thank you so much for the Casserole, Mrs Stump. It really was delicious." I say, giving her a smile.

"No problem, dear. Now, do you want me to print out and laminate those baby pictures of Patrick for you, or do you want to look at them a bit longer until they are permanantly etched into your brain?" She asked, grinning at Patrick who looked on the edge of crying and laughing at the same time.

"YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PARENT!" Patrick shouted. Both Mrs. Stump and i laughed. "Nice meeting you. And goodbye, you adorable Human." I said to Patrick. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and then left, closing the door softly behind me.

It was a long way back to my house. Usually, i would've jeot tothe main road, but tonight it was cold and i really didn't feel up to it. I decided i'd take a shortcut through an alleyway to save some time.

I was about halfway through the shortcut when a shadow emerged from the darkness. "Well, if it isn't none other than Pete Wentz. I hope you realised that now is the time that i'm going to make you pay for what you did on Wednesday." Ryan spat at me.

He kicked me in the knee as to throw me off balance. Then he kicked me in the rib to wind me. He felt around in my pockets for my phone. He opened it up and typed in a number, showing me the screen display. It was Patrick's.

"I'm going to make him suffer, just like he did to me. My fucking boyfriend broke up with me because of that little shit. But, i figured it would hurt him more if i hurt you, considering him and his faggot ass seem to actually care about you. If you tell him where you are, then i'll just make it worse for you... And then i'll get him aswell. So keep your mouth shut."

"Actually he broke up with you because you were being an ass to my boyfriend, and Brendon doesn't tolerate homophobic comments such as "Faggot" too well, even if they aren't aimed at him. I think you're a piece of shit. Do whatever you want to me, Brendon won't take you back. It's not going to change anything." But, as always, i really should of just shut the fuck up.

Ryan punched me hard in the gut. I fell against the wall, keeling over in pain. "Pete?" Patrick asked the phone. Ryan hit me again, this time right on my knee cap. I could tell immediately that it was a broken bone, and i screamed in pain.

"Pete? PETE?!" Patrick screamed down the phone. Ryan twised the muscle in my arm, and i sobbed loudly. "PETE! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE!" Patrick screamed.

Ryan then kicked me repeatedly in the ribs, and this time i roared in agony. My face was bleeding and i was starting to loose it.

"PETE WENTZ YOU TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK YOU ARE RIGHT NOW!" Patrick yelled and sobbed and cried into the phone. "I'M COMING TO FIND YOU!" And the phone went dead.

Suddenly the hitting stopped, because at the other end of the alleyway i could hear noises. Men laughing. Ryan sprinted away from me, as fast as his legs could carry him muttering several swear words under his breath. I was bleeding and loosing a lot of blood, really fast.

I thought i recognized one of the men, and he looked a lot like Andy... But it couldn't be because Andy was straight and the look-alike-Andy was kissing a man. Who had long black hair... Like... Joe's. i swear to god, if i wasn't bleeding to death, then i probably wouldv'e assasinated them both for not telling me.

Instead, i let out a scream, and they both instantly looked for where the noise was coming from.

Then as they saw me, their faces were shocked and scared for me. "PETE!" Joe shouted, running over to me, "PETE HANG ON, I'M CALLING THE AMBULANCE!".

Andy's face rushed over, and then i was ungaining and gaining consiousness. Everything after that was a blur. A blur besides seeing Patrick looking at me worriedly, holding my hand and saying "It's okay, it's okay, the ambulance is here. You're going to be okay."

And i was.

The doctors took good care of me. Joe and Andy were supposed to be coming in today. Patrick came in everyday after school, and snuck me in some good food, seeing as the hospital's was shit. He even brought in some of his Mom's pork casserole.

I'd told Pat what had happened and what Ryan had said he'd do if i told him my location. That he'd beat him up too. Patrick started crying at that point. I took him into my good arm and held him until he stopped.

"You had a raging Ryan Ross beat you up resulting in a very broken leg, a twisted muscle, and a broken rib, a fat lip, and a bloody nose for me, you fucking idiot?" He asked, still crying but smiling at me. "Well, yeah-" I started.

Patrick stopped me from talking by pressing his lips against mine, pulling away and cuddling into me. We lay on the hospital bed for about a half hour.

Joe and Andy came in for the first time all week. "What's this?" Andy asked. "What's this? WHAT'S THIS?!" I asked sitting up on my bed, which really hurt my leg.


"We- we didn't want to tell you." Andy said. "In fact, we only starting dating at the party, and you were too busy playing about with Mr. Fedorable over here." Joe winked at me. "My grandparents are religious and wouldn't agree with it." Said Andy. "But i thought hey, fuck it." He laughed. "Joe has apparently liked me for a really long time too." Andy said, blushing.

I was still raging however. "Now this is all good, and honestly you guys are fucking adorable, you cheeky motherfuckers, you, but next time you keep something like that from me again, i will impale you through the eyeball with a spork, and then disembowel you through your nostrils. Okay?" Patrick about pisssed himself next to me.

"Impalement through the eyeball with a spork? Nice. That's some Spartan shit right there." And suddenly we were all yelling "THIS IS SPARTA!" and laughing our asses off.

~{Let's be alone together, we could stay young forever, screaming from the top of our lungs}~


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