~Chapter Fifeteen~ STILL BRENDON'S P.O.V

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"You know what you need?" I say to Pete the next evening. It's around five o'clock at night, and he's on the couch, watching Die Hard and eating pizza. Pizza is, apparently, his "comfort" food.
He looks up from his pizza, tears down his cheeks. "What?" He sighs, shaking his head.
"You need to get drunk." I say, simply.
"Brendon. No."
"Yes. You need to get drunk. Not at a dumbass bar, or at a houseparty. You need to get drunk here, in the house. So we can keep an eye on you. Drunk the days away, brother."
"Brendon, i-"
"Trust me. It helps."
Dallon stood up, walked over to the stereo, and turned the music off.
I fall to the floor, beer bottle in hand, and start sobbing. "No! Dallllooooooooonnn!"
Dallon sighs, standing up straight and crpsses his arms over his chest, like a strict father. "I'm cutting you off." He says, rather seriously.
I retain a straight face, but inside i'm dying. I turn around, slowly, to look at Pete. We stare at each other for a few seconds and burst out laughing.
Dallon sighs, watching us having a giggling fit, rolling about on the floor, and takes the opportunity to snatch my beer bottle out of my hand. I stop laughing, and send daggers his way.
When he doesn't give me my bottle back, i start a tantrum.
I kick, and scream, and struggle, but Dallon doesn't give in.
"Time for bed, i think." Dallon struggles against myself and Pete, but we're both drunk and loose our balance, making it easier for Dallon to push us up the stairs. He shoves us into my room, and then puts all of his weight on the door so we can't get out.
Pete starts yelling, and i hush him.
"Shh. In a few minutes, Dallon will get hored and go downstairs. He'll fall asleep and we can sneak out and get some beer."
*le time skip*
We sped down the highway, laughing our asses off. Dallon kept trying to call us; he'd clearly noticed we'd escaped.
Eventually, i got tired of Dallon's constant calling, so i pick up the phone.
"Hello? Brendon? Oh my god, Brendon where are you?" He says, worriedly.
"D-Don't-" I bang on my chest to try and stop the hiccups that keep rising in my throat. "Don't worry, babyboy. We're gonna go get some shit from the store and be right back!"
"No- Brendon. Please, baby. Come back. I just don't want you getting hurt... you're so drunk, baby, and if you were to-"
But Dallon was cut off.
Now on full alert, I swerve the wheel, swiftly avoiding the cow on the road, but...
I hear the smashing of glass, i can smell the scent of burnt tires, I could ear my own heart pounding in my chest, i could see nothing but thick gray smoke that filled my lungs with poisonous gasses.
Worst of all, i could hear the screams of Dallon, who had tried his very best to warn us and to protect us.
I could hear the slight groans of pain from Pete.
And all i could think was
What have i done?

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