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Victoria Pentton ^💕
Tori's pov:

I need to fucking hit someone. Wait, scratch that no just someone i need to hit That-fucking-asshole Raywood.

You must be wondering why am I acting like a bitch ? Huh?

Hah. I wish I could explain now but, I'm beyond pissed to explain the event that made my life upside down.

It was dark when I reached home.

When I left his house you could see fumes coming out of my ears. Yes, I was burning like hell. Maybe, that was because of my fever but his attitude was the main reason.

I didn't come after me. Its not like I was expecting him to come though .

Soon , I found myself standing in the front porch of mine other than Rose .

She was amused to see me though as she expected me to rest at my house.
But, when I told her where was I and what happened when I found out ...she was ashamed to trust me with him.

"He promised to take you home. That's asshole I will kick his ass whenever I will see him next. He ...."she started to rant .

"Rose, shush its okay. You don't have to feel guilt about it. And, you don't have to kick his ass ..I can do it whenever I want to" I said with a slight smirk.

We shared a laugh after that.

We spent the whole day watching movie and eating pizza , brownies , chocolates and ice cream.
That's the reason I love her so much.
She's never demanding but, always the one to support you but scold you like a mom if you're wrong.

Flashback over.

I told my mom that I had a project to complete with her. And, even though she didn't believe it but , she never asked anything . I love my mom.

I was in my room completing my homework when I heard some noises coming coming from outside.

"Our neighbours are shifting "my mom told me with a sad smile.

"Oh gods. Not again"I said in an annoyed tone.

It's like there's some problem in that house because we've never seen someone staying there for more than 3 months.

I was tired. Even though my insides were churning out for food . I neglected the offer when my mom asked me to eat and I ended up in my room .

So you can keep me
Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans
Holding me close
Till our eyes meet.......

My phone was ringing but I could remember the number . I thought to decline it at first but there was something inside me telling me not to do so.

"Hello? Can I talk to Ms. Victoria Pentton?" A lady spoke with a thick British accent .
"Yes, its Victoria this side. May I ask what do you want ?"
"There has been an accident on the Newbenton street. And, the person asked me to call you." This statement gave me chills.
"Wh..what ..aa..are I was stammering and I don't even know what was the actual problem.
"It's about Tiffany Brandon. Please, come to City hospital as fast as you can ." She texted me the details.

That's the only thing I could see now.
I was on the floor and I don't even know how did I end up there. I can't lose her too. Oh god , not again.

I drove to the hospital as fast as I could with my stupid car. But, the luck wasn't on my side as soon after my car came to a sudden stop.

I was cursing color words like a river when a car stopped by my side.

"Do you want help darling ?" A lady asked me . Yeah please.

"Uhm, yeah . Can you please drop me to city hospital?" I tried to ask her with a polite smile.

"Tie your seatbelt because now we'll be reaching there with a speed of a jet" she was trying to ease my panic with that silly joke.

And, it worked actually. Even, though I was really worried about her but she managed to make me laugh a little.
I thanked her politely before rushing inside the hospital.

"Can you please tell me where is Tiffany . Tiffany Brandon ?"
"Room no. 12-a . Take the lift as it's on 4th floor "

I thanked her and started to run on the staircase as the lift was stuck on 2nd floor.

I saw the room no. 12-a insight.

Tiffany Brandon. She's 5'4 , pretty small but taller than me. With amazing blue eyes and golden brown hair she's got everyone wrapped around her tiny finger. But, I love her more than anything even pizza . Urgh.

We used to be so close. But, then her boyfriend came into picture and stole her from me. We haven't talked since 3 whole months.

I miss her laugh. I miss her smile. I miss her actions. I miss her silly jokes. I miss her eyes. I miss her . And yeah, that necklace (the one Victoria wears everyday) was given by her on my 15th birthday .

I took a deep breath before entering the room and the sight in front of me broke me heart. Lying there on bed with pale skin like a ghost and pins and dips attached to her body was none other than my best friend Tiffany.

I quickly wiped my eyes as I would never cry in front of her like that.

She was peacefully sleeping . She sure was looking like an angel .

"She hit the pole while driving and she was drunk" the voice was quite but I could easily recognise it .

"How did you find out" I asked him with a small voice .

"Her mom called me after whatever happened" he said.

I simply nodded.

Soon, the doctor entered the room.
"Her brain has gone through a massive loss. She has lost a lot of blood. But, we have tried our best to make her live. So, basically she's alive but..."
"What? Please tell me what?"

"She's in coma. We don't know when she's going to wake up" it wasn't doctor who said those lines.
Zachary said it with no emotions at all.

I could feel my world crumbling in front of me . But, I didn't let the tears to come out of my eyes. I was feeling numb.

I fell down on the floor. Someone picked me up and wrapped his arms around me safely . Even though I wanted to move out of his grip but, I was feeling safe there.

So , I did the thing I was holding on for so long. I cried. I cried for everything that has every happened to me.

I knew it that his shirt was looking like a mess because of me but he didn't care . And , I could only hear his soothing words before passing out in front of him. Again.

Aayeee . She passed out againxD .

I love you all ❤💕

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