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💕Tiffany Brandon ^

I found myself  in my room when I woke up. I remembered everything that took place in the past hours.

Tiffany .

I want to see her again. Just the thought of her can make me cry . And, I never cry no matter whatever the situation is. But, she is my weakness along with my parents.

I checked my phone to see if I've got any texts or not . And, Dayum it seems to be like I've become popular in this past hour.

I have got 45 texts and 30 missed calls from Rose , Marṭina , Mom and one unknown number.

I called the three known people in my list .
"Yes, I'm okay. I was tired that's it . Yes , I will take care . Bye love you too."  That was my reply for three of them.

The unknown texts said -
I hope you're okay now. I'm sorry I couldn't stay there I had some work at home . And, I couldn't take the risk to take you home again.
Take the medicines but before that please eat the soup that's in the regrigerator.
  Take care :)

I could feel the heat coming out of my face. Why is he being so nice all of a sudden ? This dude is realllyy complicated and annoying.

But, I decided not to think about him right now and concentrate on my soup.

To say it was was tasty would be an understatement . This is heaven ,my friend. I loved it more than anything .

Who taught him to cook like this?

Maybe his girlfriend .

Yeah. Are you jealous?

Why would I be? INFACT I feel sad for her to deal with that jerk-face.

How can you call him a jerk after all this?

I don't feel like it to answer you. Bye. :3

Whatever , grumpy pants.

Okay, so as I was saying I'm really tired but yay I have got lots of homework.

It was a sunny day. And,I was in the car with Tiffany . That girl never shut her mouth.  *chuckles*

"Baby pull me closer in the backseat
Of your rover
That I know you cant afford
Bite that tattoo
On your shoulder...." she was singing horribly .

"Stop, my ears are bleeding because of this" I started to laugh.

She pouts at that. "I am such a beautiful singer. Don't you dare disrespect me like this, Tori" she said with an adorable puppy face.

"Aww, shut up betch" "you shut up"

And the ride was silent for few minutes but, she started to sing again.
I kept burning a hole in her side face until she looks at me said "its rude to stare , okay ?"

With the we both started to laugh like maniacs.

We soon reached to our destination - the Star mall.  Urgh.

I hate shopping more than anything. Its just so fucking tiring . But, my best friend loves it so you can get the idea how much do i have to suffer for her.

She was super exciting the whole 5 hours. Yes, we were shopping for five fucking hours.

"Bitch, either take me to the cafeteria or I am gonna sit right on the floor and you'll have to carry " I said grumpily.

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