Chapter Thirteen: Crunch

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Chapter Thirteen: Crunch

A loud crash sounded from huge bathroom. I turned just in time for Eleanor to stumble out the door, clutching her left hand fingers and whimpering. Imogene followed, looking worried but determined, and slammed the door.

I rushed to Eleanor, thinking I was definitely the best for first aid here.

"What happened?" I called to Imogene, who stood a few feet away, puffy hair covering half her face.

"I-I-" she stuttered.

"It can wait," I said. I gently grabbed Eleanor's hand, which caused her to squeal and fall to her knees. I bent down with her.

"Look at me," I said. I placed my hands on each side of her face and quickly poked into her subconscious, imagining doors in front of all my memories. I spotted the bathroom and sort of floated towards it, taking in the scene.

The girl from the other dorm said something rude about Imogene, which you could tell did not even affect her, but Eleanor stepped forward. But before Eleanor could even say anything, one of the girl's "bodyguards" rammed into her and stomped on her hand, hard.

I'd seen all I needed to see. I lifted away from Eleanor's mind, removing my hands from her head.

"It could be a break," I said quickly to cover the strange pause.

Eleanor stared at me, wide-eyed, but I avoided her gaze. The mental peek may have been premature, I thought.

I pried her other hand from her fingers and studied them carefully. "Yeah, they look broken. Is there, like a nurse or something?" I asked. Imogene looked too confused to answer.

I strode to the dormitory door and poked my head out.

"Prefect?" I called.

A Ravenclaw's head, this time a girls, looked out from the bottom of the stairs. "A bit of help, please!"

The older student hurried to our door.

"There's been an injury," I said quickly. The Prefect made a tutting sound.

"Already?" She quickly took in the situation and whipped out her wand.

"I'm just going to use a Stupefying spell on you, Eleanor, ok? It'll help with whatever you injured until we get to Madam Pomfrey's."

Eleanor just nodded.

"Stupefy!" said the Prefect under her breath and Eleanor went limp. "Petrificus Totalus!" Eleanor went stiff. "Wingardium Leviosa!" she began to rise into the air. The Prefect guided Eleanor out the door. I made up my mind to go with her, leaving Imogene behind, still clutching a toothbrush and looking confused and slightly shocked.

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