Chapter Twenty-Eight: Second Encounter

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Second Encounter

I slumped into one of the squishy sofas in the Ravenclaw Common Room.

It was midday, but I was exhausted from the events of this morning. The game was canceled until further notice, and all students were to stay in groups of six or more, except First Years, who were confined to the castle.

Professor McGonagall had taken hurried measures after hearing my tale. She'd sent me to escort Jasper to the Hospital Wing for shock, but the poor boy had a nervous breakdown halfway there and I'd had to half-carry him there.

When we arrived, there was a cluster of students around one central bed- Holly and Emma sat beside the bed and Griffin sat up in his own bed- apparently his injury was slightly worse than he had expected.

Madame Pomfrey saw me and tutted.

"You again, dear? Trouble seems to follow you!"

I gave a grim smile and told her that Jasper was in shock. She nodded and lay him down in a bed, muttering a few words and feeding him a spoonful of something that made him drop quickly to sleep.

Aidan lay in the central bed, looking deathly pale. Holly grasped one limp hand tightly and Emma was reading.

I nodded to Griffin. "What is it?"

He grimaced. "Worse than I thought- scrape wasn't bad, already mended, but I've got a concussion. I'll try not to get thrown down the bleachers again."

I smiled slightly and returned to my common room- by the time I'd ascended the stairs, my mind was whirring but my limbs felt like lead. So I was back to the present, curled up in a leather sofa near a window and contemplating all the aliens who could have done something like that.

There weren't many I knew- it was likely one I didn't. Could be Cyberman, but didn't really seem their style. Gri- no, the blue eyes were not right. Maybe- no.

I felt like there was something obvious I was missing, but I couldn't for the lives of me figure out what it was. The harder I thought about it, the harder it became to think.

So I lay back and closed my eyes.

I must've fallen asleep because I was awakened by Ari dropping a plate on my head.

The plate in question was a small, white ceramic affair- your typical human side plate, the kind that came with a pizza so you could split it. Sitting on the plate was a small slice of coconut cream pie- the pie was of indeterminate origin.

Immediately, I flew to my feet. Ari cursed and began to spew apologies.

"Sorry, sorry, oh my- Merlin's beard- ugh, now there's- sorry!"

He wrung his hands like a wet dishcloth and seemed to shrink with every apology.

"It's- fine," I said. It came out sounding very strained. "No, really, it's fine- I just- why were you standing over me eating pie?"

Ari shot a glance to the side.

"No reason really, I just, you know, around the corner, and the plate goes "shewf" like a little flying saucer," he stuttered. His words sounded like they'd sprinted for the exit, but then dogpiled and fallen out the door. Also, what he'd just said ha been a lie. My internal alarms were going off.

I rolled my eyes. Both of our conversations had been so unbearably awkward, I could almost feel the onlookers cringe.

"Where'd the pie come from? Will anyone miss that plate?"

He nodded sheepishly.

"Pie's over there, someone's cast a summoning spell- um, the plate- I think- I, um," he hastily drew his wand. "Reparo!"

Instantly, the shards of plate flew back together into a whole. He bent down to pick it up.

I resumed my spot on the couch. Ari jumped up and perched on the top.

"So, um. Were you at the Quiddich game where, the, um, yeah."

I snorted. "The what?"

"The- the incident-y thing."

"With the levitating possessed Gryffindor fight? Yeah, I was there," I said nonchalantly.

"Cool! I- I mean, I'm-"

I smiled and waved my hand. He reminded me of my little brother.

I opened my mouth and closed it again like a dying Osteichthyes at the memory. I gave another shaky laugh.

"I have to go. You know, homework and things."

"Oh-um, okay. S-sorry. I'll go."

I felt bad about the harsh rebuff, but I suddenly wanted to be alone again. I'd find him this weekend and apologize.

A/N: Heh. No update for three or so weeks- guilty as charged. This one I just churned out in about twenty minutes. Sorry.

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