Chapter Twenty: An unplanned rainstorm

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Chapter Twenty: An unplanned rainstorm

All night, I watched the castle's lights flicker and shadows dance. I watched birds fly past and strange, skeletal horse-beasts soar over the Forbidden Forest. I made a mental note to ask someone about those.

By morning, I felt better about myself. If they had selected me to come to Hogwarts, then I must be magic. I convinced myself that it was true, which settled my stomach and made me feel a bit better.

Thinking about Gallifrey, my mind drifted to the Time Lord on television. How I'd had my mind set on meeting him then, how I'd forgotten it almost instantly, caught up in the whole ''magic'' thing.

During the summer, then. That would be my summer goal- find him and meet him. In the least-stalker-like way possible.

When I heard the first signs of stirring from the dorm around me, I let my eyelids droop, mussed up my hair, and stepped out. I had to look like I'd slept- no use in raising suspicions too much.

"Mornin'." I grunted sleepily. Imogene nodded in reply.

My face felt grimy, so I headed to the bathroom to wash up. Of course, it was just my luck that the slimy villains (four enemies in one day- that has to be some sort of record) were already there. They were perched on the sinks, gossiping, and I immediately stifled a laugh at how much they resembled seagulls- perched up high and squawking their faces off (metaphorically, of course).

Their leader whipped around as the bathroom door creaked open. She observed my mussed hair, nightgown, and apparently convincing "morning" look and sneered.

I ignored the look, nonchalantly splashing come cold water on my face.

"Hey, doofus!" one of the girls called in a sing-song voice. "You look like a monkey who just woke up!"

A witty retort sprung to my mouth instantly, but I bit it back.

"And your stupid blonde crybaby- well she-"

I'd had enough. Say I have a short temper all you like, but I can't stand idiots.

"Did anyone tell you that you look like a bunch of dim-witted seabirds, with your pointy noses and annoying squacky voices?"

As I turned to storm from the room, hearing the girls snicker nervously, all the sinks suddenly exploded.

Honestly, it was really cool. It was like a giant wave had broken next door, and high-speed droplets of mist showered down. The Seagull Girls stared at me, hair sopping and mouths agape. I returned the gaze with a sly smile and slammed the door behind me.

Maybe I was here for a reason after all.


I've been seeing this scene play out for a while now- Amelia drenching the Mean Gurlz in the room next door in an epic magical way- so I had to put it in before all the important plot elements begin. :P

Also the quick update because I feel bad about pushing such a depressing chapter on you and 'cause it's SUMMER! So more writing time.

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