VI : Doomed

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Luciel imagined that she would be teaching Jimin the fundamentals of speaking and writing. She imagined teaching him the approved manners. She imagined holding an apple to him after their breakfast recently. She had imagined giving the apple to him after he successfully pronounced the given word.

She had imagined everything in her mind and how his voice would sound like - none other than the obsolete growls that scared most people. She had also imagined teaching him the laws and to not infract them. She lastly imagined hitting his head from the back every time his eyes landed on her chest.

Yet that was all an obsolete imagination envisaged in her mind.

Luciel attentively gawked at her father. Time seemed to slow down or even stop, considering the opaque silence transcending the ambience. She detested the phrase that had escaped out from SeokJin's mouth. Her eyes gaped open in trepidation.

The young lady inhaled and exhaled rather too loudly as she almost screamed. "What?! He's in Scientia?! Out of all places!"

Fists formed and boiling blood raging throughout her system, Luciel was ready to explode as steam would come out anytime soon. She yanked the grip off from SeokJin's hold, accusingly glaring at him, giving him the most bitterest facial expression she could hold on to.

SeokJin had just pissed his youngest daughter for the first time and it was equivalent to a woman on her period.

"Father! What did you do? I thought we had a deal!"

"Now now, Luciel. I want you to calm down before you start acting irrational."

Luciel could only scoff as she held her hips. She almost rolled her eyes, averting his gaze as she was ready to throw a tantrum. "Irrational?  How can I not act irrational when Jimin is sent back slash kidnapped to Scientia? I've had my eyes on him for the whole day and he suddenly disappears? And you know where he is?"

She pointed at her father, her tone almost pitchy at the last phrase. She would've never acted like this in front of her father nevertheless, but since he had lied and broken a deal surreptitiously, which failed, she could not help the anger boiling inside. Jimin is her responsibility and she would even go more crazy than the length of a lummox.

"Luciel." SeokJin deadpanned, yet she could not take him seriously. She only clamped her mouth shut, aware of her sick mother behind the door. She did not want the Lady to feel more sick, exacerbated by getting to check on the commotion.

"I am doing this for our own good. I can't tell you the reason now, but you must-"

"But he's my responsibility, father!" SeokJin's eyes widened at her remark. He just didn't want history to repeat for Luciel.

"I'm going to find him. Don't trail me or even try to stop me." Was her last resort before she scurried away in haste.

SeokJin would've gone after her. He would've told her the truth, but he didn't budge an inch. He watched her figure sprint away, which was far the opposite compared to her sister Lucia.

He would've called his men to keep an eye on Luciel and so, he did.

SeokJin returned into his own chamber, feeling more sentimental and frustrated. He didn't want the latter to suffer the same consequences like MinYoung herself. SeokJin wanted Luciel to live a life full of no troubles, yet life wasn't always that easy. Life always has sacrifices and burdens to carry. Your shoulders always has a heavy weight, filled with memorable wounds.

He felt like he needed to let Luciel do her own rational thinking personally as he focuses on his own position. He didn't need his initial reputation to be destroyed, affecting the others especially his daughters. It would be a risky chance.

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