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The next morning, Luciel had woken up to the endless poking from Jimin. 

She unconsciously and weakly batted his hands away as her mind was still in dreamland. She was dreaming of fighting the Wyvern dragon before. The scene flashed back to the part where Jungkook lied motionless in a pit of his own blood. 

She recalled how painful it felt since she could not stop weeping whatsoever. 

Jimin found her crying in her sleep. He stopped poking Luciel's side and waited. He listened to her incoherent mumblings in her sleep, which was primarily the reason why he woke up the earliest. The youngest princess woke up in a slight daze before facing the messy haired Jimin. 

She blinked her eyes several times, allowing one tear to roll down her cheek. She wiped it away as if nothing had ever happened, blinking her eyes once again. Luciel tries to adjust to life without groaning ever so much. She did not even scream in anger and fear from the flashback. 

Luciel knew when to remain calm at appropriate times. She did not want to return back to the aching times, which occurred a few days ago.  

"J-Jimin ...?" Her voice came out rough and weak. Luciel grasped onto her bed sheet, ensuring to herself that she was back to life. 

Jimin wanted to snicker at Luciel's overall form after waking up, but kept his mouth pursed after remembering yesterday's events.  A princess may not always be formal as people would expect them to be. Princesses' are humans as well and they're not always perfect the whole time. They have their flawlessness within them.  

He hopped off the bed with ease and stood near the bed as long as possible. Luciel raised an eyebrow at his sudden change of demeanor. She was sure that he was the one responsible for poking her sides, disturbing her deep slumber. Luciel felt thankful that he had done so in order to get up from the nightmare.

She was about to call his name again when the latter began to move around in elegance. 

Jimin lifted his left leg to the side, easily stretching his body in a flexible manner. He maneuvered to the side, allowing the easy flow to get ahold of him. Luciel felt even more perplexed as ever as she observed Jimin waltzing around her room. 

She had seen women waltz for certain occasions like formal balls. Never in her life had she seen a man dance ever so perfectly and lightly as to what Jimin is doing right now. 

The latter spins with ease before making himself to Luciel's side. He stops waltzing and lends out his palm. Luciel was unsure whether she was still dreaming or not. His body form was so splendid that she felt conflicted as to how he was able to move in a flexible demeanor. Jimin struggled with his voice, yet forced to speak it out.  

"A-apple." He spoke out with full confidence, startling the princess in retaliation. She was beyond confused whether Jimin wanted further speaking lessons or if he was hungry.

"Are you hungry?" She asks nonetheless, accepting the gesture as she places her palm atop of Jimin's. The lad shakes his head, smoothly listing Luciel off the bed with one pull.

"T-Then, speaking lessons?" She questions once again after Jimin releases the grip of her soft fingers. He would've held them for a bit longer, but did not want to make himself as a creep towards the princess. 

Jimin shook his head again, confusing the princess to oblivion. 

What did Jimin want when he spoke the word 'apple'? If he did not want to eat or have any speaking lessons just yet, what did he want initially? She tilted her head slightly to the right, crossing her arms as she raised her eyebrows. 

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