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"Jimin, when you pronounce the letter A, you part both lips and let your voice out. Repeat after me, Ayy." Luciel articulated with her hand gestures. The latter glanced at the princess in an almost perplexed expression. He repeated her voice inside his head in order to pronounce the letter. 

This was the fifth day on a first week that Luciel was teaching Jimin how to speak properly. Albeit she believed he could speak certain words, she still needed to teach him. The latter still struggled with his voice that cracked once in a while. He also struggled with keeping his tongue on the inside, in which Luciel stipulated that he must keep it inside his mouth. 

"Aah-" He repeated, inducing Luciel to heave a sigh as she sat closer to him. 

"It's not 'aah' Jimin, it's 'ayy'." 

Jimin's brows furrowed before crossing his arms together. He had tried repeating the same letter over and over again, yet there was no progress. He felt like giving up already, but Luciel was determined to make him speak properly. 

 "Okay, fine. Sometimes when you pronounce the letter A, it could be like that as well. But mostly, it's 'ayy' and not 'ahh'." Luciel finished off before picking an object from the basket behind her. Through the trouble of pronouncing such precise accent, Luciel felt it would be best not to push him to the edge.

She believed that he will be able to pronounce the letters into words someday, which will also transcend into essays of sentences. 

Luciel grabbed the recently plucked red apple from the basket and displayed it in front of Jimin. His eyes glistened for a split second and he was ready to launch himself towards the apple. Luciel knew straight away what the change of expression on his face meant.

She distanced the apple away from him and he sulked again.

"I know you're hungry, but you just had lunch minutes ago. And this is for educational purposes only! I'll let you eat it once you pronounce it right." 

He arched an eyebrow, unable to reciprocate the lengthly words that escaped from her lips. She understood his troubled face and attempted into making him repeat the word 'apple'.

"Jimin, this is an apple. Apple." 

Luciel waited for Jimin to repeat the words, but he responded with silence. His focus was concentrated on the apple and his stomach rumbled again. 

"I won't give it to you unless you say the word apple."

He sat stiff in his posture and she heavily breathed out. She felt pity for Jimin since the lad was drooling now. She handed him the red apple and he gladly accepted it in happiness. Her head hung low in disappointment.

Teaching someone whose in your borderline age on how to speak felt quite bothersome and tiring. 

"How did Mother and Father teach me how to speak? I'm sure Mama isn't the only word that all babies say." She uttered to herself and lifted her head up to see Jimin offering the whole side of the apple. She shook her head and pushed the apple back to his mouth. 

He ate the apple in silence. 

A knock on the door engendered her head to turn around. Jimin was busy chewing the sides of the apple till its left into its root. Luciel stood up from the floor and opened the doors. 

"Minseok? What are you doing here? I thought you said you were leaving to-"

Minseok cut her off by shoving a confidential paper right onto her face. Although they weren't fully related by blood, Luciel allowed her step brother to act like the things he does now. She never had a brother and Minseok was probably the only blood related out of all compared to Lucia. 

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