Stand By Me

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Agony follows wherever the young princess runs and starts to accumulate when she finds herself in a bed of flowers and grass. They weren't lively compared to yesterday's sunny weather, although the gardeners have just watered them. Flowers were usually a symbol for peace and happiness, but Luciel could not find contentment spreading around.

Luciel couldn't keep up with her strained breaths. Her legs were wobbling and weak. Her perception of the garden begins to tear apart as the weather starts to form a light grey patch. Her tears had finally broken through and her sobs were clear as the cloudy sky.

She falls down on her knees and slouches forward; the heavy unknown weight resting on her shoulders.

The princess wouldn't care if she got drenched. She knows she is a tough woman who could take care of herself. She's been through quite a lot over the pass couple of weeks and to say that this day was miserable is an understatement.

She still is unable to accept the fact that the Lady had passed away in her sleep. The slap continues to sting for the time being; yet Luciel forgets about it. It was obvious that the Lord of the castle was shocked. He hadn't spoken a word, until Lucia had entered their chamber.

"Princess! Come back inside. The weather's going to pour heavily!" Announced one of the old gardeners.

She heard the old lady clearly, but Luciel isn't budging a move.

When the thunder rumbles at a far distance, Luciel had expected the embrace to be from the old lady to bring her back inside the mansion. However, the grip was different and strange. Her body reacted quite differently to how she usual does when the old lady hugs her.

Luciel would often feel a sense of contentment whenever she hugs the old gardener.

The princess, albeit hollowed by the loss of her Mother, eventually glances up at the person beside her. His touch delivered a mixed sentiment; one was cold and the other sensation felt tender.

Jimin nuzzles his head against her nape, casting warmth in the pit of her heart. The gardener orders for an umbrella from the young maid. She inclines to her wishes and scurries off to find a shelter for the two. Luciel simply bobs her head back to the colossal view.

'Who ... am I going to tell my adventurous stories to ... now? How will ... I be able to make ... my delicious hot chocolate ... if she isn't here ... anymore?'

The princess unconsciously reaches out for Jimin's hand. Her arms were shaking. Jimin's limbs remain calm against her raging heartbeat. He didn't like how Lucia slapped the young princess. He had wanted to scream at the former princess, but thought better to attend to Luciel.

Even though words wouldn't be enough to alleviate the burdens and sorrows of an individual, their tender and considerate actions prove far more protected and appreciated. The old lady approaches the two, carrying the umbrella on one hand. The young maid totters from behind in case she needed urgent help.

When the old lady shelters the princess and Jimin from the weather that would soon fall down with heavy droplets, Luciel, for the first time ever feels at a loss in everything. She's lost her touch of her passion. She's beginning to lost sight of her future. Her appetite turns bland, as she crumbles under the light patters of cold rain.

Jimin shifts away from Luciel as the old lady and young maid persuade the princess to return inside. She was quite stubborn about going back. She didn't want to see Lucia just yet. She wants to see her Father, but is unable to.

Luciel can't return to her chamber just yet. She swallows the lump in her throat, which almost felt like swallowing a pebble despite how parched it is. She is afraid of Lucia's wrath.

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