Chapter 1 The Beginning

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Narrator POV

It was a nice, beautiful and normal day in Magnolia. Everything was so peaceful in the fernandes family. Let's see what they are up to shall we?

Jellal  POV

I was sleeping peacefully in bed with my wife Erza. Wife. I like that, I feel like the happiest man in the world. I looked over at Erza and see her sleeping peacefully next to me. I leaned down and started kissing her collarbone. "Mmhm"  I hear her moan. I kept kissing her neck and everywhere else that will give pleasure to her until she wakes up. 

"Jellal" I hear her say my name.

"Good morning my scarlet hair beauty" I say to her.

"I was could've just simply woke me up like a normal person, ya know?"

"Well what's the fun in doing that when i can just do this?..." I had then kissed her. Her lips, her cheeks, neck, shoulder. She gave pleasurable noises.

"J-jellal..." she said in the most cutest way. 

"Erza... you are so beautiful. You are my sun, my moon, and my stars, actually you are my universe and I'm so glad to have you in my life. I love you Mrs. Fernandes."

I see her cheeks turn as red as her hair. It was so adorable to me.

"I love you to...Jellal."

After what seemed like an eternity with me and erza in bed. We finally got up and started to get ready. "Hey jellal, I'm about to take a shower ok?"

"Well allow me to join you.'

"W-what! No!"

"Why not. We're married, and i want to be with you. I've been craving you so much Erza."

"F-fine then. You can come." I saw her say as she was blushing madly.

In the shower...

The shower was so warm, it felt so wonderful. And the water hitting Erza was simply to much for me. I pushed her against the wall and started kissing her. Our tongue's dancing together in sync. I kissed all over her and had touched every inch of her body. She was simply beautiful. I hear her moan my name over and over and over. Everytime she said it, I get more turned on.

"Jellal..." She said one more time. That was it, I couldn't help myself. I thrusted myself into her. Going in and out. Over and over again. She started moaning loudly. Saying my name once again. I loved her so much...

(yeah yeah ok, thats enough lemon for now XD)

Erza POV

After me and jellal's shower encounter  we had finally got dressed and started walking to the guild.

At the guild hall...

We had just arrived at the the guild and I'm greeted by all my fairy tail friends and my master. It was so nice to be here. I walked over to the bar where Mira was.

"Good morning Erza and Jellal. What can I get you two?"

"I'd love to have a stawberry cake please." I said with a smile on my face.

"And I'd like to have some eggs and toast."

"coming right up."

"Uh wait Mira!"

"Yeah what is it Erza?"

"Are you sure you should be up, I mean you are 8 months pregnant. I'm sure Laxus wouldn't want you to be moving around alot."

"Oh don't worry about me, I'm perfectly fine. Now let me get your stuff ready."

Its so nice to see Mira about to have a child. Actually quite a few of my guild mates are having or have had a kid. Levy and gajeel have a daughter named Emma. And she is currently pregnant with twins. Lucy and natsu are having a child to. But lucy is only 1 month pregnant. Gray and juvia are having a child to, juvia is 2 months pregnant. Elfman and Evergreen have a 1 year old daughter named Greenly. It would be nice if Jellal and I have a child.

"Here you go Erza and jellal, enjoy!"

Huh? O-oh! Thank you so much Mira." I had gladly started to eat my delicious cake.

"Hey erza" Jellal said. "What were you thinking about a few minutes ago?"

"Oh ya know, just thinking it would be nice if we had a child. But I was just thinking, no need to think any further on th-" I was interupted by Gray and Natsu's fighting. Natsu had bumped me and made me drop my cake...

Natsu POV

I was fighting with that ice pervert until we stopped because i had bumped into Erza. Oh no... Worst thing I've ever done. Me and Gray looked at each other and then turned our heads to Erza. Fear surging through my body. 

"NATSU, GRAY!!!" i hear her yell our names. Next thing I know I see a sword appeared in my face, and Gray's too. " You two will pay for what you have done" She said in a super scary tone. " W-were sorry!" Me and gray say in unison. "Jellal can you please get your wife!" 

"Erza please calm down. It was an accident. Here look. Mira gave you the rest of the cake."

"Tch...fine. I suppose this'll do. Natsu..Gray, if you ever knock my cake down again, you two are dead. Got it?"

"A-aye sir!" We both said.

"I told you natsu. You shouldn't be fighting with gray, especially next to erza." said lucy.

"Yeah i guess your right Luce. Come on, Me, you and Happy should go on a job. Unless your not feeling up to it?"

"Aww come on natsu, I may be pregnant buy you know i would never pass up a job oppurtunity with you two."

"Alright its settled then, come on lil buddy, me, you and lucy are going on a job."

"Aye sire! Come on, lets go pick one."

Jellal POV

After that scary commotion with Erza's cake, I decided for me and her to go outside and take a walk. I was thinking about what Erza said earlier. About me and her starting a family.

"Hey Erza, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah? what is it?"

"About what you said, of us starting a family, do you really want to?"

"Oh...Yeah I was, I've been thinking about it quite a lot actually. Of what me and you could make."

"Well your wish has been heard loud and clear, I'll give you a child...Erza.

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