Chapter 3 Decisions, decisions

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Jellal POV

       What is wrong with me?! I can't tell her that, she'll be heart broken when I leave her, and what's worse is she'll be even more hurt if I don't tell her. Oh boy...what'll I do. 

"Hey Jellal, what's wrong with you? You've been acting strange ever since I got back from my job. Something you wanna tell me?"

Oh crap what'll I tell Erza?  "Um...uh, it's nothing to worry about. So how was the job?"

"It was easy I suppose, except when that idiot nearly burned me to a crisped! But there was no need to worry I taught him a lesson."

"Haha typical Erza. So how are you, ya know with the baby?"

"Oh its good, I just went to the doctor yesterday and they told me I'm doing perfectly fine. And we won't know the gender of the baby till about 4-5 months."

4-5 months?! That's about the time I'm suppose to be leaving with Meredy "Thats wonderful news honey. Hope its a little girl, she'll be my little bundle, and since your the mother, she'll be drop dead gorgeous."

"Awwww, how sweet, a girl wouldn't be bad but I do prefer a little boy. He'll be so handsome since you are his father."

4 months later at the hospital...

Erza POV

"Ok Mrs. Fernandes your test results are here and it appears you are having...A LITTLE BOY! Congrats!!!"

"OMG! Thankyou so much!" I say happily hugging Jellal.

"I'll just leave you two lovebirds alone." The doctor said winking at me.

"Oh Erza I'm so happy, I can't wait to see our son." Well I hope I get to see him

"I know right? I can't wait to see what he looks like? What should we name him?"

"Um its up to you, I have no clue."

"How about Julian Ezron Jellal Scarlet Fernandes Jr.?"

"That's perfect, I bet you had that name planned didn't you?"

"Well what can I say, I had a feeling it was gonna be a boy."

"And if it was a girl?"

"Then her name would've been Rosemary Erza Jellane Scarlet Fernandes."

"Of course it would, come on let's go to the guild and tell everyone the good news."

"Alrighty then, lets."

Don't worry Erza...I'm gonna tell you, just not yet...please forgive me

(Sorry the chapter is short, didn't have much ideas for this chapter LOL, but don't worry, the next chapter won't be so short.)

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