Chapter 4 Telling Erza

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Erza POV

      On our way back to the guild I could tell something was wrong with jellal. But I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Jellal, is something wrong? You've had this worried look on your face this whole time?"

Oh crap...should I tell her?

"Erza there's no need to worry, I'll tell you about it...later. Now come on we're at the guild, let's tell everyone the good news."

"Alright then."

I wonder what he wants to tell me? Oh I hope its nothing bad, I don't want jellal to leave. He has a wife and a son to take care of, he's going to be a father. And I want him to be by my side when Julian is born. Anyways let me clear my head and tell everyone the news.


"Hi erza!" The guild said in unison.

"Why hello there everyone, I have something to tell you all, great news as a matter of and jellal are about to have a son!"


"Omg I'm so happy for you erza!" Said Lucy.

"I bet he's gonna be the cutest thing ever!!!"

"Well what's his name gonna be?"

"Its going to be Julian Fernandes." I said smiling happily.

Jellal POV 

As me and erza arrived at the guild and told everyone the news, the girls of fairy tail immediatly pulled erza away from me and the guys took me away. They asked me a bunch of questions and told me congrats and stuff like that. I of course was happy but I kept thinking of how I was gonna tell erza about me leaving. I'm not scared of the job itself but of how long I'm going to be away. And every night I pray its not for a long time.

Many hours later at Erza and Jellal's place...

"Today was fun huh Jellal?"

"Indeed it was Erza." 

"Why hello there you two ;p"

"What the- Meredy! How did you even get in here?"

"Tehe, I have my ways. But I came here for jellal because its almost time. And I can't wait any longer jellal, its either now or never that you'll tell her."

"Tell me what jellal?"

"Erza...I..I'm so sorry, I didn't want it to turn out this way. I've been meaning to tell you this for months, and I guess now is the time." 

"The time for what? What's going on?"

"A few months ago when Meredy came over, she asked me for help about the job she had took. I accepted it but I was afraid to tell you because of how long the job may be. I was afraid because I don't want our son to grow up without a father."

"Oh jellal you should've told me sooner *sob* I don't want you to leave me."

"Oh don't cry Erza" Said Meredy "I'm sure the job can't be that long."

"Well when are you guys leaving anyways?"

"We're leaving tomorrow."


"Yes...tomorrow. So I'll just leave you two alone."


"Erza...say something."

"What is there to say. You should've told me sooner."

"Are you angry at me?"

"I don't even know anymore, I'm just...I don't know..."

"Do you not want me to go?"

"Well if I do that then those people you guys are trying to help will suffer the rest of there lives, and that'll just be selfish of me * sob sob* a-and-"

"Erza please don't know I hate it when you do."

"I know that b-but...I don't want you to leave me, I love you to much."

"I love you too...Erza."

The very next day...

Still Jellal POV

Well today was the day that me and Meredy were leaving for our job. We were both waiting and hanging at the guild. We were all saying our final goodbyes and Meredy said it was time to go. I then went over to Erza.

"So...I guess your leaving us huh?" She said while holding her belly.

"You make it sound so bad. Now just remember no matter where I go, I'll always love you...both of you and I promise I'll come back for you two." I said while kissing her forehead and lips. 

"'s time to go."

"Ok Meredy. And Erza while I'm away, promise to not ever forget me."

"*sob* h-how could I? No matter how long your away me and Julian will always be waiting for you...Jellal."

"I know you will...goodbye Erza. And good bye fairy tail."

And that was the last time I've seen fairy tail and Erza for the next few years...

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