Chapter 5 Many years later...

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Erza Pov

      I woke up to another beautiful morning. Also another morning waking up by myself, Jellal and Meredy is still on there job, but that was over 10 years ago. Our son Julian is 10 years old. Whenever I see Julian, I always see his father. Julian is alot like Jellal, he inherited his fathers hair, his magic, his nice warm mile, and even his birthmark on his eye. 

      And there are times where Julian ask about his father, I would often make up excuses about him. And whenever he brings up to any of the guild members, they would always have my back. (And speaking of the guild members, many of them have had their own children. Mira and Laxus have their 11 year old daughter Nova, Levy and gajeel have a 12 year old daughter named Emma and a boy and girl twins whose names are Gabriel and Gabrielle they are 3 years old, Lucy and natsu have a 9 year old daughter named Nashi, Happy and Carla have a son named Wisp, Gray and Juvia have a 9 year old son named Storm, and Elfman and Evergreen have a 11 year old son named Eli.And a 12 year old daughter named Greenly.)


"Mother mother! Wake up!!! Its time to go to the guild!" Yells Julian

"Alright Julian, calm down dear, don't you want to eat breakfast?"

"I was hoping we can eat some of Mira's food. Pretty please mother?"

"Well...I suppose, and who can so no to that handsome face?" I said jokingly.

At the guild...

Me and Julian had just arrived at the guild and he immediatly went to go get breakfast from Mira. And I surprisingly saw everyone else's kids sitting at the table too. I then saw the rest of my friends sitting at another table.

"Well well well, it seems all of our kids wanted some of Mira's cooking."

"Yep, and before you got here, Mira said its on the house and that all the kids eat free." Said Lucy.

"Oh thats perfect..."

"Hey is something wrong Erza? You know you can always talk to me." Lucy said.

"Its nothing Lucy, there's nothing to worry about."

"Its about Jellal isn't it?"


"Erza its ok, remember what he said, no matter how long he's gone, he's gonna come back to you and Julian."

"I sure hope your right. Julian asks so many questions about his father. And sometimes I just don't know what to say to him."

"Aw, don't you worry Erza, we'll always have your back." Lucy said smiling warmly at me.

"Yeah!" Said Levy and Juvia in unison.

"Thanks you guys."

Julian POV

Oh boy I sure do love Mira's cooking! Its so good and taste so wonderful!

"Geesh, slow down Julian before you start choking."

"Hehe, sorry there Nashi, its just Mira's cooking is ~ssooo~ good."

"Yeah I know, my dad goes nuts over it, and so does Uncle Happy."

"Well well well, if it isn't little Julian, Nashi, Storm, and Emma."

"What do you want Nova?"

"Oh nothing much, just came to say hi. And dearest Nashi and Storm do you mind telling your idiot of fathers to stop ruining my father's guild hall. It's extremely bothersome."

"Tch, shutup Nova, you think your better than everyone just because your the masters daughter. And its not just your dads guild hall its everyone's guild, all of fairy tail!" Said Storm.

"Yeah Nova you really need to stop being mean. Your just a spoiled little brat who's father doesn't even notice. And as much as I respect Laxus, he needs to put his foot down when it comes to you. You won't become master because your related by blood." Said Emma

"Be quiet Emma, at least my father isn't some grumpy metal head."

"Nova, you need to stop picking on people! Now why don't you just go with your dad since your such a daddy's girl."

"Well at least my dad's actually here." And after that comment, she walked away.

"H-hey, Julian are you ok?"

"Im fine."

"Are you sur-"

"I SAID IM FINE!!!" Then i ran over to my mother grabbed her hand and asked her can we go home. She said sure.


"Julian, sweetheart, what was that fo-"



"My father mom. Where is he?"

"He's...still on a job."

"For 10 years!? I haven't seen him not once my whole entire life. He never sent a letter, or gave us a call, or some kind of notice that he still cares about us! How do you know he's even alive?"

"Julian, your father loves us very much, its just that he's really busy."

"Busy!? He's to busy to check on his own family. I know that you are hurting mom, and I know your trying your best to raise me.*sob sob* B-but I just can't stand to see you like this, sometimes at night i hear you cry yourself to sleep. And in the morning's I see you sleeping holding your wedding ring really tight."

"Oh sweety...I know, and I'm so sorry i hid this from you. But I promise you, your father is coming back to us. That's a promise i won't break to you."

"Mom just please stop it."

"Stop wha-"

"Stop crying! Your suppose to be Titania Erza, queen of the fairies. You look so weak and fragile when you cry, so please....stop it."

"Oh Julian, even fairies cry to..."

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