Chapter 14 Jellal and Julian

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Im sorry that updates are sooooo late. i was so braindead and i also want to apologize if the chapter is short, im still a lil braindead lol. Anyways i hope you enjoy, im not gonna lie im making up the story as i go. :P

Jellal POV

          After talking to Erza and Rose, I was convinced to talk to Julian and try to make things right with him. So I walk up to his room and knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Ask julian

"Uh its me...Jellal, your father." Julian opens the door and gives that famous death glare that he inherited from his mother, "What do you want?" 

"I just wanna talk to you son.''

"Why. What could you possibly want?"

"I want to talk to you, I wanna make things right between us." And after minutes of intense staring at each other he sighs and lets me in this room and closes the door behind me and we both sit on his bed.

"So go ahead and get started and lets make this quick ok?"

"Alright. Well I want to first start off by saying Im sorry for my lack of absense in your life, and i know your still not going to forgive or believe me, but i really do mean it julian. If you dont mind I want us to start over."

"Is that really all you have to say."

"Well you did say make it quick. But anyways can we please make up for the lost times."

"Fine then I guess we can try. But it isnt just me you gotta make it up to, you need to be with Rose too."

"Why of course, you, your sister and of course your mother, im making it up to all of you. Now get some sleep champ, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

"Yeah ok." After I left the room and Im not positively sure but I could've sworn I heard julian say 'dad'. And that right there just put a smile to my face. I can already tell tomorrow is gonna me a good day.

I told you the chapter would be short. I didnt have that much thoughts in my head. But see ya next chapter! 

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