Chapter 13 Family Discussion

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Narrator P.O.V.
         After Natsu and Gray's little outburst, the guild had finally settled down and most of the mages had accepted the fact of jellal finally coming back after so many years. Let's just see what happens now...

Natsu P.O.V.
         No matter what Erza said, jellal is still an asswhole for leaving his own family for so many years.

"What a jerk..." I said under my breath.

"What was that Natsu?" My wife Lucy said.

"It's just jellal, he shows up out of nowhere and then pretend everything will just come back to normal. That's complete bullshit! Erza was suffering so much, I hate it when she looks miserable."

"Awww come on daddy. Jellal didn't mean it, he didn't know he was going to be gone for so long." Nashi said

"Are you sticking up for that guy?! What if i left you for 15 years and just came back out of nowhere and pretend everything is cool!?!"


"Oh no. I'm so sorry Nashi, I didn't mean to take my anger out on you."

"It's OK daddy."

"Come on you two let's just go home."

"Yes mom/Lucy."

At the Fernandes house...

Julian P.O.V.
      So me, mom, Rose, and jellal left the guild and finally made it home. I was on my way headed upstairs until my mom stopped me and said we needed to have a family discussion.

"Mom I really don't want to do this right now."

"Julian, don't you wanna know why your father was away for so long."

"No, I've already cut my times with him long ago. He isn't my father, he's just a man I no longer need in my life."

"Sweetheart, I know you had a rough childhood and it is to late to replenish it but think about Rose, she's only five and still has a chance with her father. If you can't do it for me then do it for Rosemary."

"Argh! Fine then. Let's get this fault thing over with."

"Thank-you dear. Now come on."

Jellal P.O.V.
      Me and my family arrived at the house and Julian was heading straight upstairs, that is until Erza stopped him and talked to him.

After their little talk they came over here so I can start our family discussion.

"Thank-you guys for taking to the time for coming for this discussion."

"Tch...whatever." I heard Julian say under his breath.

"I want to start off by saying I'm sorry for my lack of absence of these many years. Me or meredy had no idea it would take that long."

"That's complete and utter bullshit!" Julian said

"Julian watch your mouth towards your father!"

"Why should I mom? He's was never around for my childhood. He never even tried to visit, or send a letter, or sent someone to deliver a message for you. You're not my father. And I wint be calling you dad anytime soon. Your just jellal to me. You're just a person who is just apart of my guild. I only want you here so Rose doesn't have to go through the same thing I did, not growing up without the love from a father. Forget this I'm going upstairs, continue this without me."


"I'm sorry mom, i can't do this. I'll be in my room, and I'm not ginna eat dinner. I already ate earlier."

*Julian slams his bedroom door*

"Jellal I'm sorry about his behavior."

"No it's OK Erza, I dint blame him, I blame myself for not being there for him...or any if you guys. I really am a bad father, and a husband."

"Jellal everyine isn't perfect, the important thing is that you're here right now."

"Yeah daddy, everyone makes mistakes and I forgive you. Me and mommy do, big brother is just having some trouble right now. But I think the best thing to do is go talk to him. Father and son."

"How did I ever get so lucky to get such a magnificent daughter like her." I thought smiling to myself.

"Your right, thanks for that my little flower." I said kissing her on the forehead.

"No problem daddy."

Narrator P.O.V.
     Well here goes the big moment where jellal and Julian finally talk things out. Let's do how this settles out in the next chapter.

Don't get mad at me I k ow it's been forever since I've updated and actual story but here it is. I know it's short but...oh well I guess. See ya next chapter. I'll try to update more quickly. See ya!
Well here goes the moment

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