Chapter 2 A Baby?!

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Erza POV

Did I hear that correctly, Jellal said he wanted to have a child with me! 

"Are you serious Jellal? You really wanna have a child."

"Of course I do, I just never told you before cause I wasn't sure if you were ready or not. And I want you to be happy Erza, if having a child will make you the happiest girl in the world, then I'll do it for you."

"Oh thankyou thankyou thankyou jellal!!!" I said hugging him while I was crying tears of joy.

"Anything for you Erza" He said with a grin his face. "Now come on, let's go home, its baby making time." He said huskily and smoothly in my ear.

At Erza and Jellal's house...

Jellal POV

Me and Erza had finally decided that we wanted to have a child. I was so excited, because the best part of having a child is making  the child. So once we got settled at the house we went to our bedroom, closed the door and did the baby-making process. 

All I heard was Erza's beautiful moans. They were like music to my ears. But there are times like this where I think I didn't deserve her. All the pain I had caused her, I hurt her so much. But I remembered what she told me, so I'm not going to remember all the things I did in the past. Things have changed and I guess you can say it all worked out in the end.

"Mhhpphh...j-jellal" I hear her moanning my name. 

"I'm sorry Erza if I'm hurting you. I don't mean to, but please just endure it, i love you so much erza."

"No problem jellal, its fine and I love you too." she said madly blushing.

(After baby making, and also the next morning, and yeah, they been at it all night. ;))

Erza POV

I had just wokin up in my bed, I feel a pair of muscular arms wrapped around me.

Jellal is so cute when he's asleep I thought to myself as I was getting out of bed. When I was getting up I felt so dizzy. Once I finally got up I went to go take a shower. I then got dressed and decided to make some breakfast for me and jellal. As soon as I was about to make it, my phone rang, I answered it.


"Erza, hello? this is Levy. You need to hurry up and come to the hospital!!!"

"Ok levy slow down, why? What's wrong?"

"Mira is having the baby! You need to hurry up!!!!!"

"What, already? Ok I'm on my way."

"Jellal, wake up we need to hurry and get to the hospital." I said as I was rushing.

"What? Why?"

"Because Mira is having the baby and we need to go."

"Alright alright I'm coming."

"Jellal! Put on some clothes!!"

"Aw crap, I forgot, hehe."

"Look I don't have time for this, I'll just meet you there, ok bye gotta go!"

Oh man I hope I make it thinking to myself.

(At the hospital)

I finally made it to the hospital. I see everyone from the guild in the waiting room.

"Hey everyone." I said with a grin on my face.

"Hey Erza, where's jellal?"

"He's still getting ready, so is the baby here yet."

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