Chapter 10 D-dad?!

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Julian POV

       No way this man can be my dad. Can he? No! Impossible. My dad has been gone for over 10 years. But then again..he looks alot like me. But just to make sure, I'll ask him a few questions.

"So what your saying is that your my dad? How do I know your not just lying to me? Prove it." I said giving him a deathly glare. Kind of how my mom does when she gets angry.

"Well I know your full name is Julian Fernandes. Your mother is Erza Scarlet, who is apart of the fairy tail guild. And your master is Laxus Dreyar, and uhh..."

"Okay okay. If your really Julian's dad, then what is his FULL name? Only fairy tail wizards know it." Said Nashi.

"That's easy, its Julian Ezron Jellal Scarlet Fernandes Jr. I remember when she was pregnant with you she wanted so badly to name you that, which I allowed her to do. And she even said if we had a daughter she wanted to name her Rosemary Erza Jellane Scarlet Fernandes."

Rosemary. I almost forgot the state she was in right now. She needed a blood transfusion in order to save her life! Stupid dad! I can't ever forgive him, he's unforgivable. But I need him in order to save Rose's life.

"Well Jellal if you ever think that I would be happy to see you, you are dead wrong. I can't ever forgive you, you left mom for her to raise me by herself, even when you knew she was pregnant with me, you still left you selfish bastard! You missed everything in my life, my first words, me learning how to walk! Did you have any idea how hard it was to not have you in my life? Everyday I saw everyone else's fathers have fun with their child and go home with them, and since I inherited your magic it was twice as hard for me to learn it. You just let mom suffer by herself! She would cry herself to sleep almost every night! And I bet that you didn't even know that she was pregnant again with your now 5 year old daughter. And as much as I don't want to see you I need you to go to the hospital to save Rosemary's life."

Jellal POV

Wow...I had no idea it was this severe. I left my wife to raise our son for 15 years and to raise my daughter I just found out I had for 5 years. I am the worst human being ever.

"Julian...I am so sorry for all the pain I have caused you and your mother. But can we please go to the hospital so I can save my daughters life."

"Tch. Fine. I'm only taking you cause your our only hope of saving her life. So let's go."

On our way to the hospital... 

"So your really Juju's dad huh?(I know I never mentioned it but Emma calls Julian 'Juju', which is his nickname. Like how Emma's nickname is Em and Nashi's is Nash, and Storm's nickname is Stormy)Wow you two look so alike." Said Emma

"Well he is my son after all. And may I just say you look so much like your mother. What I mean is you have her features and you have a bit of your father in you too."

"Yeah I get that alot." Emma said scratching her head nervously.

"Can we cut the small talk please? From the looks of it "Juju" is not in the mood right now." Said Storm quoting the word "Juju".

At the hospital...

Well we finally made it to the hospital where I can save Rosemary's life. What if Erza is here? What will she do when she see's me? What will she say? I am so nervous, I haven't seen her in 15 years.

"Hey um Julian, would your mother happen to be here?"

"Yes. So is Lucy, Levy, and Emma's little brother and sister Gabriel and Gabrielle."

"Look uncle Jellal, don't be so nervous I'm sure Erza will be thrilled to see you." Emma said trying to make me feel better.

"Maybe. But I can't say that for all the guys in fairy tail. ESPECIALLY Storm's dad and MY dad. They've known Erza since they were children. What do you think they'll do when they see Jellal? Beat him to a pulp I presume." Nashi said.

"Nashi your not making things better." Emma said

"It's quite alright Emma. I deserve it. I'll take whatever they say or do to me, I promise I won't fight back."

"Ok Jellal this is the room where Rose is at. Hope our ready cause there is NO turning back. You better not turn back, your saving my little sister's life either way."

"Ok I'm ready."


Erza POV

As me, Lucy, Levy, and the twins were here with Rose, I heard a the door creak open. I saw Emma, Nashi, Storm, Julian, and...another person come in. The first thing I saw was blue hair and a red tattoo under his eye! Wait a sec-

"J-jellal?!" Both Lucy and Levy looked as shocked as I did. "Is that really you?"

"Erza...its's good to see you again."

Is this for real? Or am I just dreaming? No I can't be. I suddenly felt a wet substance on my face. I noticed immediatly they were tears. I quickly got up from my seat and ran to jellal hugging him as tightly as I could, getting tear stains all over his shirt. He hugged me back with the same amount of force I did.

"Hey why don't we just give you two some time to settle everything out. Come on everyone let's go to the guild." Lucy said

"Fine. All I know is that you better save my little sister's life or don't bother coming back to the guild. I'll see you later mom."

And with that it was just me and Jellal in the room. Along  with Rose sleeping in the hospital bed.

"Jellal I missed you so much! Everyone kept saying you weren't ever coming back, but I knew that couldn't be true, you promised no matter how long you were gone you were gonna come back."

"Thank you for waiting so long for me Erza. I'm so sorry for everything I've done to hurt you. I didn't think the job would take so long, and I left you to raise our son and daughter alone. I've already missed 15 years of Julian's life so far, but I will not miss Rosemary's life."

"Its ok jellal, I forgive you for everything. I'm just so glad your here. Better now than never right?"

Jellal pulled me away from our hug and lifted my chin so I can stare into his beautiful dark green eyes. Our lips were only a few inches apart until Jellal closed the gap. I missed this feeling so much, I couldn't help but smile. This kiss was filled with so much love, I missed the feeling of his lips on mine. We parted away from our kiss and he whispered something to me.

"I love you so much Erza."

"I love you too jellal." I said while he put his hands around my waist and I put my hands around his neck.

"We can discuss all this later at the guild. But right now I came here to save our daughter. If its a blood transfusion she needs, than she'll get it for sure."

"Of course, let me just go get the doctor, I'll be back."


Jellal POV

As Erza left to get the doctor, I walked over to the bed where my five year old daughter was sleeping peacefully. I closely observed her, she had her mother's feature's and her hair. She was so beautiful just like her mother. I bent down and gently kissed her forehead.

"Don't worry my little flower...I'm here now, and I promise I'm going to save your life." I whispered softly to her.

Finally I updated. But couldn't keep yall waiting of course XD. So there you go. See you next chapter!

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