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Had to put this picture up because my girl was serving looks!😍


I was so nervous. I was literally right outside the studio and I could hardly breathe. I didn't know I would be this nervous... Everything felt like it was spinning.

"Wow... This is really happening."

"Yes, so go in there and show out." Daniel stated.

Daniel, Josh, and Lauren all came for the ride. They can't come up with me, but they're here to send support my way.

I'm doing all of this for Lauren and my parents... I know if they were here they'd be proud of me. I'm gonna pull a way for Lauren so that she doesn't have to continue living like this.

"Girl if you don't get out the damn car and go." Josh urged.

"Okay I'm going."

I sighed and got out of the car, "Goodluck sis!" Lauren called out.

"Thank you." I smiled before closing the door.

I walked into the building and went up to the front desk. A lady looked up at me and smiled.

"May I help you?"

"I have a 3:00 studio appointment with Bahja Rodriguez."

"Name please?"

"Zonnique Pullins."

She typed it into the computer and nodded, "here you are." She handed me a book, "just sign in here and you can take the elevator up to the 6th floor... All the way down the hall 3rd door on your right."

I signed in and nodded, "thank you."

"No problem, have a nice day."

"You too."

As I walked closer and closer I got more and more nervous, yet anxious to see what was in store for me. I was ready, but at the same time I wasn't.

I got onto the elevator and pressed the number 6. The doors closed and it went up. My palms were getting sweaty, my heart was pounding and I was starting to shake.

I don't know if I'm gonna have a heart attack or just freeze up. I took deep breaths and sighed.

The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. I stepped off and heard music playing. I walked down the hall and went to the 3rd door on my right.

There I seen Bahja recording and her team was sitting around listening, bobbing their heads to the beat. I knocked softly on the door and an older version, but not much older, of Bahja smiled and stood, walking towards me.

"Hey, you must be Zonnique?"

I nodded, too afraid to speak.

"I'm Shamra, Bahja's mother. It's nice to meet you." She held out her hand.

I shook it and nodded again, "I-its n-nice to meet you too."

"Come in and all introduce you to the team."

We walked inside the very spacious studio and the music came to a stop. Everyone looked up at me.

"Everyone this is Zonnique, our new artist who will be working with Bahja. Zonnique this is, Julian, Bahja's manager, Lourdes, her sister, Bree, her bestfriend, Cairen her engineer, Damar, her designer, and Mello, the producer." She went around the room and introduced me to everyone.

"Hello, nice to meet you all." I spoke with a soft voice.

They threw "hello's" left and right. Bahja stepped out of the booth and she looked me up and down.

Broken (ZonniquexBahja) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now